French President Emmanuel Macron on Taiwan: ‘Being an Ally Does Not Mean Being a Vassal’

French president Emmanuel Macron has decided to double down on his strategic autonomy policy thesis, declaring that Europe should not be forced to side with Beijing or Washington on Taiwan. Macron declared that being a U.S. ally ‘does not mean being

French President Emmanuel Macron States Europe Must Reduce Its Dependence on the US Dollar to Avoid Becoming ‘Vassals’

Emmanuel Macron, president of France, clarified his position on the future of Europe and its relations with China and the U.S. in the short term. Returning from his visit to Beijing, Macron believes that Europe should avoid getting caught up in

中国、ドル依存削減に向けアジア通貨基金と協議する用意がある, マレーシアは言う

アジア通貨基金を設立するというアイデアが中国指導部の注目を集めた, マレーシア政府首脳が明らかにした。. 首相は自国に理由はないと信じている, それは強い米国によって傷つけられている….

クラーケンのCEO: 規制当局は、自分たちの目的を達成するために悪者を大きくして大暴れさせる

仮想通貨取引所クラーケンのCEO, ジェシー・パウエル, 米国は言う. レギュレーター “let the bad guys get big and blow up because it serves their agenda.The executive explained: “悪者は大きな競争上の優位性を持って活動します. ユーザーを吸い取ってしまう, 収益, と…

Spacewalkers: Becoming an Investor on the Blockchain – How Can Anyone Invest in the Gaming Industry?

Spacewalkers, a gaming studio, is revolutionizing the way that investors can participate in the profits of their projects. The company is releasing a series of games and offering the opportunity for anyone to invest in them through the use of blockchain

Hacker Sent to Prison for Robbing Vietnamese Crypto Exchange

Authorities in Vietnam have caught and sentenced a hacker who stole money and data from a local cryptocurrency exchange. The man, who was arrested and charged for extorting the trading platforms owner, has been ordered to return the money he misappropriated….

Binance’s Bitcoin Reserve Stash Nears 600,000, Company’s BTC Cache Is Now the Largest Held by an Exchange

While theres been a lot of discussions concerning proof-of-reserves, self-custody, and the more than $5 billion in bitcoin and ethereum that left exchanges between Nov. 7 through Nov. 14, 2022, バイナンス’s bitcoin stash has grown significantly since Nov. 12. 実際には,…

Mark Cuban が支援するマルチチェーン ウォレットのローンチ $3 Million Aptos エコシステム ファンドによる新規ユーザーのオンボーディング

ブロクト, マルチチェーンウォレットが、 $3 100 万件の Aptos エコシステム基金。その目的は、新規ユーザーの Aptos への導入を支援することです。. プロジェクトを財政的に支援するだけでなく、, Aptos 基金は、傑出したプロジェクトを支援するために使用されます。…

ビットコイン ネットワークのマイニング難易度が初めて低下 2 月

Following four consecutive Bitcoin mining difficulty increases, ネットワーク’s difficulty dropped for the first time in 68 日々, sliding 2.14% ブロックの高さ 756,000 火曜日に. The change means its currently 2.14% easier to find a bitcoin block reward following the


趙長鵬 (CZ), founder and chief executive officer of cryptocurrency exchange Binance, has announced the opening of an office in Romania. During a visit to the country, he met with high-ranking officials and emphasized Binances intentions to expand direct operations in