Recently Signed 2009 Bitcoin Block Reward Linked to Hal Finney’s Set of BTC Transactions

At the end of November, an unknown person signed a signature tied to an extremely old block reward mined on Jan. 19, 2009, and the user published a message and verified signature linked to the reward on the forum の…

ビットコイン, イーサリアムテクニカル分析: BTC, ETHは米国のインフレ報告に先んじて上昇

Bitcoin was trading marginally higher on Wednesday, as markets prepared for the upcoming U.S. インフレ報告. Cryptocurrencies have mostly consolidated ahead of the release, which many believe could trigger further action from the Federal Reserve Bank. Ethereum was also higher, なので…

ビットコイン, イーサリアムテクニカル分析: 以下のBTC $20,000 市場がドル高の増加に反応するにつれて

BTC fell below $20,000 火曜日に, as volatility in financial markets continued to peak, due to current levels of inflation. The euro fell to its lowest level against the U.S. dollar in over twenty years, and this dollar strength seems to

ベテラントレーダーのピーターブラントがビットコインフォールズとして「聖なる取引ルール」を共有, ディップの購入に対して警告

Veteran trader Peter Brandt has shareda sacred trading rulehe uses in response to a comment about buying bitcoin as the price of the cryptocurrency continues to fall. “Never add to a losing trade,” he affirmed. Peter Brandt Offers Trading

柴犬がドージコインを一段とノックダウンして急上昇— 20 所有者が所有する 75% SHIBサプライの

The meme-based digital asset shiba inu has entered the top ten largest crypto assets by market capitalization, knocking dogecoin down a notch. 最後に 30 日々, the shiba inu token climbed 976% capturing a market cap of over $40 十億….

単一のマイニングファームには、同じくらいの電力が必要です 24,000 家, カザフスタンの見積もり

Authorities in Kazakhstan have calculated the energy used in the countrys crypto mining industry which competes for electricity with other sectors of the economy and households. The government has also estimated the additional supply necessary to meet the growing demand from