La Banque de Russie rejette la fourniture de services financiers liés à la cryptographie

Russie’s central bank has voiced opposition to the provision of financial services related to cryptocurrencies. The monetary authority believes such offerings would go against the interests of Russian investors as they are highly risky. Central Bank of Russia Unwilling to Allow

Ethereum contre. Les batailles sur les réseaux sociaux d'Avax font rage alors que les frais de L1 ne cessent d'augmenter

The Ethereum scaling wars are raging on social media due to the problems that this chain is facing, with fees on layer one (L1) at very high levels. Zhu Su, CEO of Three Arrows Capital, a notable crypto VC company, annoncé…

Les détenteurs sud-africains de jetons cryptographiques s'inquiètent de l'état des fonds, Impossible de se retirer comme promis

A group of South African cryptocurrency investors have voiced concerns about the fate of their investment in the Fight to Fame (F2F token) after they reportedly were unable to withdraw their funds as promised. Token Sale Attracts Over 2,000 Applicants According

"Bitcoin Is Worth Zero" - Un stratège en communication kenyan avertit les investisseurs africains de se méfier

A Kenyan communications strategist, Mwotia Ciugu, has told African investors to be wary of investing in bitcoin which he claims is worth zero. Bitcoin Structurally Incapable of Delivering on Its Promise In an op-ed published by The Elephant, Ciugu insists bitcoin

Jusqu'à 12 Des millions d'Iraniens possèdent la crypto-monnaie, Les commerçants choisissent les échanges locaux

Cryptocurrencies are a popular investment among Iranians and estimates suggest that the number of those who already own one coin or another may be as high as 12 million. The majority of Iranian traders prefer the services of local crypto exchanges,…

Le PDG de Ripple déclare que la SEC ne donne aucun cadre clair pour la crypto, Discute du procès XRP

As the lawsuit with the U.S. Commission de Sécurité et d'Echanges (SECONDE) continues, Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse insists that the Commission has provided no clarity in crypto regulation. He said the SEC is using its meetings with crypto companies as lead generation

Les législateurs iraniens s'opposent aux restrictions cryptographiques, Appel à des règlements de soutien

Membres du parlement iranien, le Majlis, ont exprimé leurs inquiétudes concernant Téhéran’s politiques restrictives envers les innovations telles que les crypto-monnaies. Suite à la publication d'une étude recommandant une nouvelle approche de l'industrie de la cryptographie, les législateurs ont demandé l'adoption de…