Au milieu de la forte demande énergétique des mineurs, La Russie envisage de construire de nouvelles centrales électriques en Sibérie

Growing electricity consumption in the crypto mining sector may require the construction of new power generation facilities in Siberia, the energy minister of Russia has acknowledged. Demand continues to increase in residential areas as well, after regional authorities abandoned a proposal

L'Association argentine de football AFA s'associe à Upland pour entrer dans le métaverse

The Argentine Soccer Association, AFA, has partnered with Upland, a virtual world platform, to introduce its fans to the metaverse. Upland will allow Argentine fans to have a bigger connection with AFA history, presenting the opportunity to acquire digital representations of

Le gouvernement américain retarde les règles de déclaration fiscale pour les courtiers en crypto-monnaie

The enforcement of a requirement for brokers to report gains made by crypto investors has been postponed by the U.S. Treasury Department and the IRS. The new tax rules, incorporated into the $1 trillion infrastructure bill passed by the U.S. Congrès…

Defi More Scalable Than Traditional Finance, New Study Says

Despite the market conditions that prevailed in much of 2022, finances décentralisées (défi) still demonstrated its greater scaling potential than that of the traditional financial industry, a new report has said. Even though the total value locked dropped from the peak

Minxie Launches NFT Project That Aims to Provide the Untapped Creator Economy With Solutions Through Blockchain

COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE. “NFTs aren’t dead, they are going to be everywhere” says Tina Lou, Head of Marketing at Minxie, “and, actually, the bear market is the best thing that could have happened to them”, she continues, “We’ve weeded through scams and

Bitcoin Miners Face a Squeeze as BTC Production Cost Remains Well Above Spot Market Value

Bitcoin miners are dealing with lots of pressure following the recent difficulty adjustment increase on Nov. 20, 2022, and the leading crypto asset dropping further in value against the U.S. dollar following FTXs collapse. Statistics recorded this past weekend show that

Meta Announces Layoffs Affecting 13% of Workforce; More Than 11,000 Employees to Be Fired Amidst ‘Cultural Shift’

Méta, the social network company, has announced that it will cut 11,000 travaux, letting go of 13% of the employees in its workforce amidst acultural shiftin the company. Mark Zuckerberg, PDG de l'entreprise, explained this decision was made

Le projet Gamefi Oasys vise à développer le jeu Blockchain au Japon grâce au partenariat YGG

Oasys, un jeu orienté, Projet Web3 basé au Japon, s'associe à YGG, une guilde de jeu blockchain, pour développer le jeu blockchain au Japon. Le partenariat englobe l'utilisation des ressources YGG pour promouvoir des projets de jeu construits au-dessus de l'écosystème Oasys, giving developers

L'IRS construit des «centaines» de cas de cryptographie - selon un responsable $7 Des milliards de crypto saisis en 2022

Le service des recettes internes (IRS) construit “des centaines” d'affaires crypto pour lutter contre l'évasion fiscale, un responsable aurait déclaré. Au cours de l'exercice 2022, la Division des enquêtes criminelles de l'IRS a saisi environ $7 milliards en crypto-monnaie, which was double the