Binance Reportedly Removes Restrictions on Russian Users

Le monde’s largest crypto exchange, Binance, has lifted certain restrictions on Russian users, local crypto media unveiled. According to multiple reports, Russians can once again use their bank cards to make deposits and the trading platform has canceled a limit on

Paye d'alchimie: Relier les économies mondiales de Fiat et des crypto-monnaies

On April 20th, The European Parliament approved the first comprehensive crypto regulation EU-wide, the Markets in Crypto-Assets (Mica). In the same day, a separate law, the Transfer of Funds regulation, was passed, requiring crypto operators to confirm the identity of their

Signaler: Le co-fondateur de Terraform Labs inculpé de fraude en Corée du Sud

Recent local reports have brought to light that Shin Hyun-seong, also known as Daniel Shin, co-founder of Terraform Labs, has been indicted by the Seoul Southern District ProsecutorsOffice on charges of fraud. Along with nine others, Shin is suspected of

La Chine pousse le yuan numérique pour le paiement des salaires à Changshu

Changshu, a city in China with more than 1.5 million inhabitants, will pay public workerswages with the Chinese central bank digital currency (CBDC), the digital yuan. The move marks an acceleration of the adoption plans that Beijing has for the

La Russie lance un système de paiement sans « aucune restriction » - Les devises numériques seront totalement illimitées

Russia is launching a new payment system that is “bound by no restrictions” where digital currencies could be used in cross-border payments, said Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov. “Two parties come to an agreement, make settlement payments, and no other country

La Russie augmentera sa dépendance à l'égard des monnaies nationales dans le commerce de l'énergie, Vœux de s'éloigner du dollar américain

Russia will increase its reliance on national currencies to settle payments for its energy resources, moving away from the US dollar, according to Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak. Novak noted there is a great interest in acquiring Russian energy resources,…

Un tribunal américain condamne un blanchisseur russe de crypto-rançons à une peine de probation et à une amende

A Russian crypto entrepreneur, charged with laundering money from ransomware attacks, has been sentenced to probation and fined in the U.S. after pleading guilty. Founder of two coin trading platforms, Denis Dubnikov, was arrested in the Netherlands and extradited to the

La Chine met en garde contre l'instabilité financière mondiale due aux politiques économiques américaines

China has urged the U.S. and other developed nations to assess the spillover effects of their economic and financial policies. “The economic and financial policies of the U.S. pose the biggest challenge to global financial stability,” according to the Chinese Ministry

Signaler: La Banque centrale coréenne aura le droit d'enquêter sur les entités d'actifs virtuels après que le régulateur financier aura abandonné son opposition

La banque centrale sud-coréenne devrait se voir accorder le droit d'enquêter sur les actifs virtuels après la Commission des services financiers (FSC) a abandonné son opposition à cette décision. Selon un rapport, le FSC a abandonné son opposition à la politique de la banque centrale…

La présidente de la BCE, Lagarde, met en garde contre un "désastre majeur" si les États-Unis ne respectent pas leurs obligations de dette

There is a lot of discussion lately about the U.S. government’s debt ceiling and whether Congress will act before defaulting. Dans une récente interview, Christine Lagarde, the president of the European Central Bank (BCE), said she is confident the U.S. can