Avalikus nimekirjas oleva Bitcoin Miner Cleansparki hashrate ületab 3 Exahash, Firma rekordid igapäevaste toodangu kõrgeimal tasemel 13.25 BTC

Bitcoin miner Cleanspark says it experienced accelerated growth amid the crypto winter this year and the operations hashrate has surpassed 3 eksahas sekundis (EH/s), tripling in less than twelve monthstime. The news follows a number of expansions bitcoin mining

‘Unprecedented Opportunities’ — Cleanspark Acquires 1,061 Bitcoin Miners at a ‘Discounted Price’

Neljapäeval, the publicly-listed bitcoin mining firm Cleanspark announced that it added 93 petahash per second (PH/s) of hashpower to the companys existing operations by acquiring 1,061 Whatsminer M30S bitcoin mining rigs. The latest ASIC acquisition follows Cleansparks recent purchase contract