Rakendatud plokiahela muudatused, Sõlmib Põhja-Dakotas asuva maa ostulepingu

Sel nädalal teatas kaevandusettevõte Applied Blockchain, et muudab oma ettevõtte nime Applied Digitaliks. Lisaks, kaevandamisoperatsioon vabastati 2022 majandustulemused ja tegevusvärskendused, milles märgiti, et kaevandusettevõte sõlmis augustis ostulepingu…

Samal ajal kui ühinemine juhtis karuturu tõusu, Hype on kustutatud ja Ethereum juhib nüüd slaidi

With just over two weeks left until The Merge, ethereum’s value against the U.S. dollar has lost all the gains the crypto asset recorded leading up to the hardened date. In mid-August, ether managed to climb above the $2K zone but

Singapur otsib krüptofirmadelt üksikasjalikku teavet enne uute eeskirjade kehtestamist, Raport avalikustab

Financial authorities in Singapore are taking steps toward increased oversight in the crypto space with the city-states central bank reportedly asking companies to provide additional information about their activities and assets. Ahead of a possible broadening of the applicable rules, a…

Gas-to-Bitcoin-firma Crusoe Energy kaebas konkureeriva Alkane'i keskvoolu patendirikkumise pärast kohtusse

The Denver-based gas-to-bitcoin infrastructure company Crusoe Energy is suing the rival firm Alkane Midstream LLC over alleged patent infringement and poaching customers in Colorado. Crusoe’s lawsuit claims since November 2019, “Alkane was actively monitoring Crusoe and its business.Crypto Flare Mitigation

Suurimad liikujad: KUMMISTUS, ADA püsib reedel ühe nädala tipptaseme lähedal

Cardano rose to a one-week high earlier in today’s istungil, despite cryptocurrency markets mostly trading in the red. Aave was also higher on Friday, with the token remaining close to its highest point in the past week. Kirjutamise seisuga, a…

Lõuna-Aafrika krüptovaluuta omandimäär 10% - Aruanne

With a cryptocurrency ownership rate of 10%, or four million people, Lõuna-Aafrika “ranks 18th out of 26 countries for crypto adoption,” the latest Finders report has said. The report also noted that South Africas proportion of crypto owners holding bitcoin,…

Filipiinide seadusandjad, Keskpank, SEC arutab krüptomäärust senati kuulamisel

Keskpank ning väärtpaberi- ja börsikomisjon (SEC) Filipiinide esindajad arutasid krüptoregulatsiooni senati kuulamisel, kus osalesid mitmed krüptotööstuse juhid, sealhulgas krüptobörsilt Binance. Filipiinide reguleerivad asutused arutavad Filipiinide krüptopoliitikat…

Ethereum Classicu Hashrate saavutab pärast Ethereumi tugevdatud ühendamise ajaskaala veel ühe kõigi aegade kõrgeima taseme

Neljapäeval, following the official proof-of-stake (PoS) transition announcement from the Ethereum Foundation, Ethereumi klassika’s hashrate tapped another all-time high at block height 15,806,925. The latest jump to 38.64 terahash marks the networks second record high in five days, as Ethereum

Moody’si osariikide inflatsioon mõjutab majanduse elavnemist Latami osas

Moody’s, the asset quality rating agency, has warned the high rate of inflation that some countries are facing in Latam will affect the economic recovery in the region. Brasiilia, Chile, and Mexico are said to be the countries more affected by

9,404 Iraani võimude poolt alates märtsist konfiskeeritud krüptokaevandusseadmed

Iranian authorities have seized nearly 10,000 illegal cryptocurrency mining devices since March. Aruannete kohaselt, many of the seized crypto mining rigs were operating in public locations that receive free or heavily-subsidized electricity, such as schools and mosques. Iran Confiscates Nearly