Mark Cuban Says FTX Implosion Isn’t Crypto Blowup — Explains Why He Invests in Crypto

Shark Tank star and the owner of the NBA team Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban, says recent blowups in the crypto space, including the FTX implosion, “have been banking blowups,” not crypto blowups. He also explained why he invests in crypto. Recent

Onchain Data Reveals Alameda Acquired Specific Tokens a Month Before FTX Listings

According to a report stemming from the blockchain analytics firm Argus, Sam Bankman-Fried’s trading firm Alameda Research obtained tokens ahead of listings. The report claims that Alameda acquired roughly $60 million worth of tokens before the digital assets were scheduled

Venemaa IT-ettevõtete lobby tarkvaraekspordi krüptomaksete jaoks

Välisklientidele tarkvaralahendusi arendavad ettevõtted ärgitavad Venemaa ametivõime lubama neil krüptomakseid vastu võtta. Ettepanek on osa meetmete paketist, mille eesmärk on toetada IT eksporti, mille tööstusorganisatsioon on täitevvõimule soovitanud.…

Venemaa ja Türgi teevad koostööd kuritegevusega seotud krüptotehingute vastu võitlemisel

Venemaa ja Türgi õiguskaitse- ja õigusasutused ühendavad jõud küberkuritegevuse vastases võitluses, sealhulgas krüptovaluutade kasutamine ebaseaduslikel eesmärkidel. Koostöös lepiti kokku Venemaa peaprokuröri visiidil Ankarasse. Venemaa,…

Kim Kardashian ja Floyd Mayweather võitsid Ethereummaxi kohtuasjas esialgse kohtuotsuse: Aruanne

Reality TV star Kim Kardashian and boxing legend Floyd Mayweather Jr. reportedly won a tentative court ruling in a class-action lawsuit involving the Ethereummax token. Investors have accused the celebrities of hyping Ethereummax and pumping the EMAX crypto token. Judge’s Tentative

Google Cloud Is Running a Solana Validator, Blockchain Node Engine to Support SOL Chain Next Year

After Google Cloud announced that it would offer a product called the “Blockchain Node Engine” and further noted that Ethereum would be the first blockchain supported, the company revealed it was running a Solana validator on Nov. 5, 2022. Google said

Hiljutine küsitlus näitab, et El Salvadori kodanikke ei müüda ikka veel Bitcoinis

Avaliku Arvamuse Ülikooli Instituudi hiljutine küsitlus, osa Simeon Canase Kesk-Ameerika ülikoolist, on leidnud, et El Salvadori ei köida ikka veel idee bitcoinist seadusliku maksevahendina. The poll results indicate that almost two-thirds

Binance on Kasahstanis litsentseeritud krüptovahetus- ja hoidmisteenuste pakkujana

Authorities in Kazakhstan have granted Binance a license to operate as a digital asset platform and provide an array of relevant services. While working out of the nations financial hub in the capital Nur-Sultan, the crypto exchange will offer registration to

Erdogan Suggests Turkish-Russian Payment System, Local Media Reports

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is reportedly pushing for Turkey and Russia to establish a new payment system between them. The initiative comes amid U.S. pressure against the use of the Russian Mir cards in Turkey. Some Turkish banks have been