File Transfer Giant Wetransfer Joins NFT Industry, Partners with Blockchain Platform Minima for March Launch of Minting Product

File transfer service giant Wetransfer announced Monday it is collaborating with blockchain platform Minima to offer a non-fungible token (NFT) minting product in March. Wetransfer’s announcement details that users leveraging the Minima cooperative will be able to mint NFTs from a

Britain Announces Plans for ‘Robust’ Crypto Rules, Launches Consultation

The U.K. has unveiled “ambitious plans” to “robustly regulate” various crypto activities, while seeking to protect customers and grow its economy. In the next three months, British authorities will accept public feedback on the new regulatory proposals designed to govern digital

Kasahstanis on maha võetud mitu krüptovahetuse veebisaiti

Financial authorities in Kazakhstan have targeted at least five online platforms exchanging cryptocurrencies outside the law. Documents, computer equipment, and cryptocurrency wallets have been seized during searches in the northern part of the country. Kazakhstan’s Financial Watchdog Goes After Unlicensed Crypto

USA valitsus konfiskeerib $700 Miljonid varad Disgraced FTX-i kaasasutaja Sam Bankman-Friedilt

Föderaalprokurörid on arestinud $697 miljonit vara, koosneb enamasti rohkem kui 56 miljoni Robinhoodi aktsia väärtuses $526 miljonit, FTX kaasasutaja Sam Bankman-Friedilt. Kohtuavaldustes kirjeldati üksikasjalikult, et U.S. valitsus arestis rea Bankman-Friedile kuulunud pangakontosid,…

Georgia Prepares to Launch Digital Lari Pilot in First Half of 2023

The central bank of Georgia intends to publish a document detailing the concept of a national digital currency in the coming months. Other participating parties will use it to finalize their proposals for the pilot which the monetary authority plans to

El Salvador Approves Digital Assets Issuance Law

The Legislative Assembly of El Salvador approved the Digital Assets Issuance Law, a framework that will allow the country to issue crypto-related debt instruments. The approved law, which was passed thanks to the majority that President Nayib Bukele has in Congress,…

El Salvador Chivo Wallet Programmer Opens Up About Alleged ID Fraud, Tech and Money Laundering Issues

A Chivo wallet programmer has opened up about the different problems that the flagship cryptocurrency wallet of El Salvador faced during its initial stages. Shaun Overton, who alleges he was hired to help in the handling of the issues, has talked

Endine FTX inseneridirektor USA õiguskaitseorganite kontrolli all, Väidetavad pakkumise istungid toimusid prokuröridega New Yorgis

USA. Õiguskaitseametnikud uurivad väidetavalt Nishad Singhit, endine FTX inseneridirektor, vastavalt raportile, milles viidatakse asjaga tuttavatele inimestele. Veel üks aruanne, avaldatud jaanuaril. 10, 2023, üksikasjad, mida Singh kohtus föderaalprokuröridega…

Hacker Sent to Prison for Robbing Vietnamese Crypto Exchange

Authorities in Vietnam have caught and sentenced a hacker who stole money and data from a local cryptocurrency exchange. The man, who was arrested and charged for extorting the trading platforms owner, has been ordered to return the money he misappropriated….