Brasiilia krüptoinvesteeringute platvorm Bluebenx peatab häkkimissüüdistuste alusel väljavõtmised

Bluebenx, a Brazil-based cryptocurrency investment platform, suspended withdrawals last week due to an alleged hack that made the company lose more than $31 miljonit. The company announced that the withdrawals would be stopped for at least six months. The company has

OFACi Tornado sularahakeeld põhjustab Githubi peatamise ja 437 miljoni dollari suuruse krüptoaadresside musta nimekirja kandmise

augustil 8, the ethereum mixing service Tornado Cash, and all the crypto addresses associated with the platform, were officially banned by the U.S. Rahandusosakond’s Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC). Following the ban, the internet hosting service for software

Debridge Finance kahtlustab, et Põhja-Korea häkkimissündikaadi Lazarus Group ründas protokolli meeskonda

According to the co-founder of Debridge Finance, Alex Smirnov, the infamous North Korean hacking syndicate Lazarus Group subjected Debridge to an attempted cyberattack. Smirnov has warned Web3 teams that the campaign is likely widespread. Lazarus Group Suspected of Attacking Debridge Finance

USA rahandusministeeriumi OFAC lisab 3 Põhja-Korea küberkuritegevuse rühmaga seotud ETH-aadressid SDN-nimekirjaga

Välisvarade kontrolli amet (OFAC) on lisanud kolm Ethereumi aadressi oma spetsiaalselt määratud kodanike ja blokeeritud isikute loendisse (SDN). OFAC väidab, et eetri aadresse kontrollib Lazarus Group, a cybercrime group that is associated with North

Republic of Ireland to Prohibit Political Cryptocurrency Donations

The government of Ireland is preparing to ban political parties from accepting campaign donations in cryptocurrency. The move aims to block the perceived threat of Russian interference in the European nations elections against the backdrop of a clash between the West

FBI andis hoiatuse seoses pahatahtlike riigi toetatud Põhja-Korea häkkeritega, kes sihivad krüptofirmasid

aprillil 18, föderaalne juurdlusbüroo (FBI), USA. Rahandusosakond, ning küberturvalisuse ja infrastruktuuri turvalisuse agentuur (CISA) avaldas küberturvalisuse nõuande (CSA) aruanne pahatahtliku Põhja-Korea riiklikult rahastatud krüptovaluutategevuse kohta. Vastavalt U.S. valitsus, korrakaitse…