$19.2 Miljardid panustatud varad – likviidse panuse lahendus Lido ületab Curve'i TVL

Kuigi koguväärtus on lukus (TVL) detsentraliseeritud rahanduses (defi) hõljub veidi kohal $214 miljardi mark, defi-protokoll nimega Lido on liikunud Curve'i võtmisele lähemale’s esikoht TVL-i osas defi protokollis. Praegu, a…

Webbland Metaverse Sales Jump 126% nagu 2 Penthouses Sell for Six-Figures

While blockchain virtual worlds have seen significant demand during the last few months, an “interoperable pixel metaverseproject called Webbland has seen weekly NFT sales spike by 126.24%. The project recorded over $3.6 million in sales over the last seven days,…

Net Inflows Into Largest Gold ETF Surge Amidst Falling Stocks and Crypto Prices

Net inflows into SPDR Gold Shares surged to a new record of $1.63 miljardit, the highest since its listing in 2004. The surge of net inflows into one of the largest gold exchange-traded funds (ETF-id) comes against a backdrop of falling

USA inflatsioonimäär hüppas kõige kõrgemale 40 Aastaid kuni 7%, Inflatsiooniga mures olevad demokraadid jäävad erakonda kummitama

Üks kuumemaid teemasid Ameerika Ühendriikides 2022 on inflatsiooni tõus, nagu USA. Tööosakond’s kolmapäeval avaldatud andmed näitasid, et tarbijahinnaindeks (CPI) tõusis 7% detsembris. See on suurim aasta…

Tipust alla: Pilk sellele, kui kaugele on krüptovarad oma kõigi aegade kõrgpunktidest langenud

Digital currencies had a phenomenal year, and a great deal of the crypto assets in existence reached all-time high (ATH) prices against the worlds fiat currencies. Kuid, the same digital currencies that tapped ATHs last year are currently down a great

Küsitlus: 14% of Americans Want Crypto Rewards for Using Their Credit Cards

During the last few years, prepaid cards that offer cryptocurrency rewards have grown popular and a number of digital asset payment cards offer these types of rewards. This means instead of accruing frequent flyer miles or points, consumers get rewarded in