Former FTX CEO Seeks $10M Insurance Fund for Legal Defense, Request Opposed by FTX Debtors and Unsecured Creditors

Court filings reveal that the FTX co-founder is seeking access to a $10 million insurance plan to cover his attorney fees. FTX debtors and unsecured creditors have opposed Sam Bankman-Fried’s request, arguing that every dollar spent on his defense isone

Coinbase Tries AI Assistant Chatgpt for Pre-Listing Risk Assessment of Tokens

Crypto exchange Coinbase has tested Openai’s Chatgpt as a token verification tool comparing it with its standard security procedure. In over half of the cases, the AI platform produced the same results as the manual review, but it also failed to

Openai’s GPT-4 Launch Sparks Surge in AI-Centric Crypto Assets

Following Openai’s release of GPT-4, a deep learning and artificial intelligence product, crypto assets focused on AI have spiked in value. The AGIX token of the Singularitynet project has risen 25.63% viimases 24 tundi. Over the last seven days,…

FBI Warns About Cryptocurrency Theft Scams Using Play-to-Earn Games

The FBI has issued a public service announcement (PSA) warning on the utilization of play-to-earn games as part of a scheme to defraud users of funds stored in the form of cryptocurrency. Criminals are introducing victims to this kind of game

Blockchain Retail Market Size to Top Over $2 Billion by 2028 — Study

According to Fortune Business Insights, the global blockchain retail market size is expected to surge from the $172.2 million recorded in 2021 üle $2 billion by 2028. Both the demand for the product by end-users as well as the growing

Pakistani pangad kasutavad KYC jaoks plokiahela tehnoloogiat

Pakistani pangad kavatsevad käivitada elektroonilise platvormi tunne-oma-klienti protseduuride jaoks, mis hakkab toimima riiklikul tasandil. Plokiahelal põhinev süsteem võimaldab neil vahetada klientide isiklikku teavet läbi, mida nad kirjeldavad kui detsentraliseeritud ja…

Uuendused aitavad oluliselt vähendada lõhet detsentraliseeritud ja tsentraliseeritud börside vahel – Dexalot COO

While centralized exchanges are thought to be safer and more efficient, proponents of decentralized platforms like Tim Shan insist that user experience on decentralized exchanges has improved. Lisaks, inherent benefits associated with decentralized exchanges such as the self-custody of assets