USA seadusandja soovitab "võib-olla" krüpto keelustada, viidates suurematele probleemidele kui FTX

USA. senaator on soovitanud, et krüptoraha peaks “võib olla” keelatakse pärast krüptobörsi FTX kokkuvarisemist. Kuid, ta tunnistas, et keelustas krüpto “on väga raske, sest see läheb avamerele ja kes teab, kuidas see töötab.” Senaator Sherrod…

SECi esimees ütleb, et on oluline reguleerida krüptoväljaandjaid ja -vahendajaid

USA esimees. Väärtpaberi- ja börsikomisjon (SEC), Gary Gensler, has stressed the importance of bringingintermediaries and issuers of crypto securitiesinto compliance. Lisaks, USA. Treasury Department’s Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) has recommended that regulatory

Reports Suggest Caroline Ellison Is Working With Feds and Snitching on FTX Co-Founder Bankman-Fried

Following the arrest of the former FTX boss Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), spectators continue to wonder where ex-Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison is, and whether or not she turned on SBF. A few reports suggest Ellison is “likely working with feds” and

Prantsuse advokaat palub Vene patriarhil aidata päästa Aleksander Vinnikut USA poliitilisest protsessist

Väidetava BTC-e operaatori Aleksander Vinniku kaitsemeeskonna liige kutsus Vene õigeusu kiriku pead oma kliendi toetuseks sekkuma.. Vene kodanikule võidakse määrata vangistus 50 aastate sisse…

USA süüdistab venelasi, Venezuelalased krüptovaluutat kasutades sanktsioonidest kõrvalehoidmise eest

USA on esitanud süüdistuse rühmale Venemaa ja Venezuela kodanikest. ametivõimudele nende rolli eest Lääne sanktsioonidest kõrvalehoidmise ja rahapesu ülemaailmses plaanis. Neid on süüdistatud sõjatehnoloogia hankimises Ameerika firmadelt,…

Lawyer of Alleged Crypto Launderer Vinnik Calls on Russia to Talk Prisoner Swap With US

A lawyer representing Russian IT specialist Alexander Vinnik has urged the government in Moscow to discuss a potential exchange of prisoners with the United States, where he was recently extradited. The French legal expert is convinced only a return to his

Venelane arreteeriti väärtpaberi kaevandamise riistvara ostjate petmise eest $300,000

Police in the southern Russian city of Astrakhan have detained a man accused of defrauding people who wanted to purchase crypto miners. Law enforcement officials say the suspect made millions of rubles through fictitious sales of mining devices to Russian citizens

Unswap tsensorid 253 Krüptoaadressid on kuritegevuse eest mustas nimekirjas, Sanktsioonide ühendused

According to a recently published report, the decentralized exchange (dex) Uniswap has blocked roughly 253 cryptocurrency addresses allegedly tied to crimes or government sanctions. The information was discovered by the software developer Banteg who analyzed and saved the shared logs from

Kasahstani politsei arreteeris jõugu, mis sunnib IT-spetsialiste krüptofarme juhtima

Law enforcement in Kazakhstan detained members of a crime group suspected of forcing IT experts into operating underground facilities for cryptocurrency mining with threats and blackmail. The racketeers allegedly made up to half a million U.S. dollars a month from their

Äsja avaldatud raamat väidab, et räägib "saladusliku Bitcoini looja tegelikust loost"

During the last 13 aastat, a great number of individuals have claimed to be the inventor of Bitcoin, but no single person has been able to prove this to the greater crypto community. At the end of August 2019, a marketing