Binance Announces Lightning Network Withdrawal Implementation Amidst Bitcoin Network Congestion Issues

Binance has announced its intention of implementing Lightning Network, a layer 2 Bitcoin scaling protocol, on its platform after experiencing an episode of congestion regarding withdrawals on the Bitcoin network. The exchange had to pause bitcoin withdrawals twice due to a

Krüptovahetus Bittrex siseneb peatükki 11 Pankrotikaitse pärast SEC kohtuasja

Bittrex Inc., USA-s asuv krüptovaluutabörs, on esitanud peatüki 11 pankrotikaitse Delaware'is pärast seda, kui USA on selle kohtusse kaevanud. Väärtpaberi- ja börsikomisjon regulaatori juures registreerimata jätmise eest. Väidetavalt on vahetus lõppenud 100,000 creditors and liabilities

Latam Insights: Boliivia müüb kulda dollarite eest, Argentina keelab Fintechi krüpto, Fitch uuendab El Salvadori krediidireitingut

Tere tulemast Latam Insightsi, kokkuvõte viimase nädala kõige olulisematest krüpto- ja majandusarengu uudistest Ladina-Ameerikast. Selles numbris, Boliivia võttis vastu seaduse kulla dollarite eest müümiseks, the Central Bank of Argentina bans fintech

Bitcoini võrgustik on hämmingus 390,000 Kinnitamata tehingud ja kasvavad tasud

Veidi alla kahe nädala pärast, aastast on Bitcoini võrgus tehtud kinnitamata tehingute arv hüppeliselt tõusnud 134,000 üle 390,000, tekitades mempoolis kitsaskoha. See kinnitamata tehingute kasv on toonud kaasa jahmatava 343% increase in transaction

Voyager Digital Provides Update on Reimbursement Plan for Creditors

Following Binance’s withdrawal from the Voyager Digital deal on April 25, the now-defunct crypto lender has recently informed creditors that they can expect to receive their initial cash and crypto distributionswithin the next few weeks.This update comes nine days

US Banking Industry in Turmoil: A Comprehensive Look at the ‘Great Consolidation’ and Largest Bank Failures of 2023

2023 has been a rollercoaster ride for the U.S. banking industry. The collapse of three major banks has sent shockwaves through the financial world, with their combined assets surpassing the top 25 banks that crumbled in 2008. The following is a

Satoshi viimased meilid: „Tehke seda avatud lähtekoodiga projektist”.,Economist ennustab USA elatustaseme katastroofilist langust, FRC aktsiad langevad, ja rohkem – nädala ülevaade

Krüpto- ja finantsmaailmas on möödunud järjekordne nädal, Bitcoini looja Satoshi Nakamoto viimaste teadaolevate meilide aastapäevaga, ameeriklaste massilise languse ennustused’ elatustase, ja olulisi arenguid raskustes olevas First Republic Bankis. Kõik…

Binance Reportedly Removes Restrictions on Russian Users

The worlds largest crypto exchange, Binance, has lifted certain restrictions on Russian users, local crypto media unveiled. According to multiple reports, Russians can once again use their bank cards to make deposits and the trading platform has canceled a limit on

Liquid Staking Protocols See Increase in Monthly ETH Deposits Despite Withdrawals Post-Shapella Hard Fork

Following the Shapella hard fork on April 12, 2023, umbes 332,368 eeter, valued at around $699 miljonit, has been withdrawn. Despite these withdrawals, liquid staking protocols like Lido, Rocketpool, and others have experienced an increase in ether deposits over the last

Crypto Exchange Bitrue Suffers $23 Million Hack

Singapore-based crypto exchange Bitrue has lost millions of U.S. dollarsworth of ether and other coins in a hack. The trading platform suspended withdrawals until early next week to conduct additional security checks and promised to compensate the affected users. Bitrue