Bitcoin teeb edusamme mahajäämuse likvideerimisel, kuid välguvõrgu läbilaskevõime ja kanalid langesid ummikute tõttu

Viimasel nädalal, Bitcoini võrk on oma ummikuprobleemide lahendamisel edusamme teinud. mail 7, 2023, kinnitamata tehingute arv saavutas kõigi aegade kõrgeima taseme, üle 500,000 ülekandeid, põhjustades suure mahajäämuse. Kuid, alates tänasest, et…

Läbi 440,000 Ethereum lisati kahe nädalaga vedelatele tuletisinstrumentidele

Vähem kui kahe nädala pärast, koguväärtus lukus (TVL) likviidsetes tuletisinstrumentides on suurenenud 441,110 eeter, umbkaudu väärt $793 miljonit. Kuigi Lido Finance domineerib turul 74.35% TVL-st, konkureerivad vedela panuse protokollid Rocket Pool ja…

Tabamatu Satoshi Nakamoto: Viimased meilid paljastavad Bitcoini looja mõtteid enne üle kümne aasta tagust kadumist

Kaksteist aastat tagasi, just sellel aprillikuu päeval 23, 2011, salapärane isik, tuntud ainult kui Satoshi Nakamoto, kirjutas ühe viimase kirjavahetuse tarkvaraarendaja Mike Hearnile. Bitcoini taga olev tabamatu peamõistja edastas sõnumis, et ta,…

Chip Giant Intel Abandons Bitcoin ASIC Production

After announcing the production of bitcoin application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), Intel, the world’s largest semiconductor chip manufacturer by revenue, appears to be abandoning its blockchain chip production. Teisipäeval, a spokesperson for the chip manufacturer explained that Intel hasend-of-lifed the

Liquid Staking Protocols See Increase in Monthly ETH Deposits Despite Withdrawals Post-Shapella Hard Fork

Following the Shapella hard fork on April 12, 2023, umbes 332,368 eeter, valued at around $699 miljonit, has been withdrawn. Despite these withdrawals, liquid staking protocols like Lido, Rocketpool, and others have experienced an increase in ether deposits over the last

Value Locked in Defi Holds the Line at $50B, After Temporarily Shedding $8B in Mid-March

The total value locked (TVL) detsentraliseeritud rahanduses (defi) during the first week of April is about $50 miljardit, roughly the same as on March 1. The value locked dropped to $42 billion on March 12 but has since rebounded as

Napster laieneb Mint laulude omandamisega Web3 muusikaruumiks

Kolmapäeval, Napster, aastal käivitati muusika voogedastusteenus 1999, teatas, et ettevõte on lõpetanud tehingu Web3 muusika idufirma Mint Songs omandamiseks. Napsteri tegevjuht, Jon Vlassopulos, nõuab seda “oleme innovatsiooni enneolematul ajastul…

Meme Coin Economy Swells by $5.8 Billion in Less Than a Month, Suggesting Demand for Meme Tokens Still High

The meme coin economy has grown significantly over the past 27 päevadel, increasing 34.52% USA vastu. dollarit. The largest meme coin by market capitalization, dogecoin, has risen 29.5% in the past month, while the second-largest meme coin, shiba inu, on…

Nexo Bitcoin Withdrawals Surge Following Raid of Bulgarian Offices

After the offices of crypto lender Nexo were raided in Bulgaria, the digital currency lending platform experienced a significant amount of withdrawals starting Jan. 12, 2023. An archived snapshot of Nexos real-time attestation shows that the company held 133,263 bitcoin on

Global Cryptocurrency Trade Volumes Saw a Significant Decline in December 2022

Statistika järgi, daily cryptocurrency trade volumes have dropped significantly during Dec. 2022. On jaan. 1, data shows that $22.95 billion was traded in the last 24 tundi, compared to double that amount, $54.78 miljardit, two weeks earlier. On November 8,