SAI․TECH’s SAITIME 2023 Will Unveil Revolutionary Products for Mining and Computing Industry

PRESSITEADE. SINGAPORESAI.TECH Global Corporation, a clean-tech company specializing in Bitcoin mining, heating, and power industry, hosted its virtual corporate annual conference, SAITIME 2023 on April 20th at 08:30 EST. The virtual conference was hosted by founder & CEO

GAIMIN pakub detsentraliseeritud lähenemisviisi kasvavale andmetöötlusvõimsuse nõudele

The world-wide demand for data processing is increasing year-on-year, with data processing applications requiring ever increasing performance from data processing devices and services. Industries, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), video rendering, powering blockchain computations, scientific simulations and research, financial modeling and

New Yorgi kuberner kirjutas alla seadusele, mis keelab osaliselt Bitcoini kaevandamise fossiilkütustel

New Yorgis on allkirjastatud moratoorium mõnele süsinikupõhisel energial põhinevale krüptokaevandamisele.. Osariigis töötõendite kaevandamisega tegelevad ettevõtted ei saa järgmiseks kaheks lube laiendada ega uuendada…

Kaevandusplatvormide tootja Canaan käivitab 2 Uued ASIC Bitcoini kaevandajad, millel on kuni 130 Terahash

Esmaspäeval, bitcoini kaevandusplatvormide tootja Canaan Inc., teatas ettevõtte uusimate suure jõudlusega bitcoini kaevandajate A13 seeria käivitamisest. Canaan avalikustas kaks A13 seeria mudelit, millel on eelkäijatega võrreldes parem energiatõhusus,” and the

Vietnam Crypto Miners Complain About Losses From Ethereum’s Merge

Miners in Vietnam have expressed grievances over the loss of business following Ethereums transition to a consensus mechanism that does not require the energy-intensive computing they were providing. Many are in trouble, local media reported, quoting entrepreneurs and mining enthusiasts. Krüptovaluuta…

Rakendatud plokiahela muudatused, Sõlmib Põhja-Dakotas asuva maa ostulepingu

Sel nädalal teatas kaevandusettevõte Applied Blockchain, et muudab oma ettevõtte nime Applied Digitaliks. Lisaks, kaevandamisoperatsioon vabastati 2022 majandustulemused ja tegevusvärskendused, milles märgiti, et kaevandusettevõte sõlmis augustis ostulepingu…

Venemaa krüptokaevurite elektritarbimine hüppas 20 Ajad sisse 5 Aastaid, Uurimistulemused

Power needs of cryptocurrency miners in Russia have grown significantly since 2017, with consumption of electrical energy seeing a 20-fold increase over the five-year period. sisse 2021, the minting of the coin with the largest market cap, bitcoin, required 1.25 gigawatts

Marathon Secures 254 Megawatts to Bolster Company’s 2023 Bitcoin Mining Goals

The bitcoin mining operation Marathon has announced the company has secured 254 megawatts of new hosting deals with the option to increase to 324 megavatti (MW). Maraton’s latest expansion deals should support the bitcoin mining firms intended goal of securing approximately

Albaania hakkab maksustama krüptoga seotud tulusid 2023

Authorities in Albania are finalizing regulations that will allow the taxation of income and profits from cryptocurrency investments. The government intends to begin imposing the levy in 2023, after adopting the necessary legislation which has been proposed for public consultations. Albania

Bitmain paljastab Hydro Bitcoin Mineri koos 198 Terahash, Toodab peaaegu kahekordse võimsuse kui tänapäeva tippmasinad

One of the largest bitcoin mining rig manufacturers in the world, Bitmain announced the launch of a new bitcoin miner that boasts speeds of up to 198 terahash sekundis (TH/s). The new model is called the Antminer S19 Pro+ Hyd….