10 Kagu-Aasia riigid seavad väljakutse dollari domineerimisele kohalike valuutade poole pöördumisega

Juhid 10 Kagu-Aasia riigid, Kagu-Aasia Rahvaste Assotsiatsiooni liikmed (ASEAN), nõustunud “soodustada kohalike valuutade kasutamist majandus- ja finantstehingutes.” Rühma kuulub Brunei, Kambodža, Indoneesia, Laos, Malaisia, Myanmar, Filipiinid, Singapur,…

Musk palkab Twitteri uue tegevjuhi, „Ta alustab 6 nädalad'

Miljardärist investor Elon Musk astub Twitteri tegevjuhi kohalt tagasi ja võtab ettevõttes teisi rolle. Mikroblogimise platvormi omanik paljastas, et on palganud uue tegevjuhi, meediajuht Linda Yaccarino, who should be

Large Immersion Cooled Crypto Mining Farms to Extract Bitcoin in Middle East Desert

A project to build two large-scale facilities for cryptocurrency mining is underway in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The high-tech data centers will rely on a full immersion solution to cool the power-hungry miners as the desert climate renders air-cooled mining

Iran Shuts Down Over 8,000 Illegal Crypto Mining Farms in 3 Aastaid

Authorities in Iran have closed down more than 8,000 underground facilities for cryptocurrency mining in the past three years, local media reported. Despite the government’s crackdown, illegal crypto mining continues to account for a serious amount of energy consumption, official figures

Digital Assets for 1 Billion Rubles Issued in Russia in a Month

Platforms authorized by the Russian government issued digital assets worth around a billion rubles in April, the local press reported. The spike in the volume has been attributed to Russian companies experimenting with new financial instruments amid limited access to traditional

Saudi Arabia Joining BRICS Would Accelerate Chinese Yuan’s Use as Trading Currency, Says Professor

Professor Ashok Swain of Uppsala University’s Department of Peace and Conflict Research says Saudi Arabia joining the BRICS economic bloc “would accelerate the bilateral trading being conducted using the yuan as the trading currency. ” How Saudi Arabia Joining BRICS Could Boost

Endine Coinbase'i täitja Balaji Srinivasan lõpetab tegevuse $1 Miljoni Bitcoini panus

Coinbase'i endine tehnoloogiajuht, Balaji Srinivasan, lõpetas varakult kihlveo, et bitcoini hind tabab $1 juuni keskpaigaks USA hüperinflatsiooni ajal. dollarit. Srinivasan maksis kokku $1.5 miljonit, rohkem kui algselt…

World’s Largest Regional Organization to Switch to Settlements in National Currencies

A China-led regional organization that covers more than half of Eurasia intends to transition to settlements in the currencies of its members. While the plan is to abandon the U.S. dollar in mutual payments, participating nations are yet to consider a

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov States De-Dollarization ‘Can No Longer Be Stopped’

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has spoken on the current shift to national currencies and the de-dollarization international markets are currently experiencing. In a press conference after addressing the UN Security Council on April 25, Lavrov stated this shift could not

Binance Reportedly Removes Restrictions on Russian Users

The worlds largest crypto exchange, Binance, has lifted certain restrictions on Russian users, local crypto media unveiled. According to multiple reports, Russians can once again use their bank cards to make deposits and the trading platform has canceled a limit on