2021Reproducción aleatoria de activos digitales: Una miríada de posiciones de capitalización de mercado criptográfico se movieron caóticamente este año

2021 has been a bullish year for crypto assets. While prices have risen a great deal, the top ten and top twenty rankings in terms of market capitalization have also changed significantly. A great number of coins have either been pushed

El fundador de Matrixport, Jihan Wu, cree que el espacio criptográfico aumentará a "decenas de billones de dólares"

Seven months ago, durante la primera semana de mayo, the digital currency entrepreneur Jihan Wu said at a conference that he expects the crypto industry to surpass the internet and the following August, Wus firm Matrixport raised $100 million and joined

Value Locked in Defi Slips 5% en 24 Hours, AMM and Rebase Tokens Take Double-Digit Losses

Since mid-November the total value locked (TVL) en finanzas descentralizadas (definitivamente) has slid from $257 mil millones a $250.55 billion and during the last 24 hours it lost a touch more than 5%. Over the last seven days, defi tokens like uniswap,…

Decentralized Indexing Provider Aleph.im Launches Serum Markets Analytics

Crypto proponents and market observers can now gain insight into Solanas and Serums liquidity infrastructure ecosystem via the analytics and decentralized indexing provider Aleph.im. The cross-blockchain computing project says the induction of Serum Markets willhelp surface valuable trading data on

Moving $25 Billion in BTC via Alternate Chains — There’s Now Over 400,000 Tokenized Bitcoins in Existence

As the end of the year approaches, the price of bitcoin has hovered above the $60K region and with 18.8 million bitcoin in circulation, bitcoin’s market valuation is over $1.16 trillion today. Mientras tanto, the number of tokenized bitcoins in existence today

Aumento de ventas de NFT 464% en 3 Meses, El mercado de Mochi se acerca a los mil millones de dólares, criptopunk #7804 Se vende por $ 7.5M

La historia del mercado del token no fungible (NFT) las ventas se han incrementado constantemente durante los últimos tres meses, según estadísticas de nonfungible.com’s datos históricos del mercado. Las ventas de NFT en los últimos tres meses han aumentado en 464% desde junio 27 y el…