Los comerciantes de Bitcoin esperan pacientemente el 'Uptober': los precios históricos muestran que BTC ganó 10 fuera de 13 octubres

In recent times bitcoins volatility has been the lowest its been since 2020 and after last months market downturn, crypto enthusiasts expected a reversal in October. En realidad, bitcoin has seen gains in October ten times out of the last 13

Elon Musk dice que Spacex seguirá financiando a Ucrania de forma gratuita a pesar de que Starlink está perdiendo dinero: $ 80 millones gastados hasta ahora

Spacex CEO Elon Musk says that his company willkeep fundingthe government of Ukraine for free even though Starlink is losing money, noting that it has cost Spacex $80 million so far to provide internet terminals and services to Ukraine….

El progreso hacia la reducción a la mitad de Bitcoin es 60% Completo, Los tiempos de bloqueo sugieren que la reducción podría ocurrir el próximo año

Según las estadísticas de cuenta regresiva basadas en el tiempo promedio de generación de bloques de alrededor de diez minutos., El progreso hacia la próxima reducción a la mitad de la recompensa del bloque de Bitcoin ha superado 60%. Sin embargo, mientras que la mayoría de los relojes de cuenta atrás que se reducen a la mitad aprovechan el promedio de diez minutos, the countdown leveraging the most

Blockchain Game Splinterlands Reveals Gamefi Platform Sold 10 Million Packs of Chaos Legion Series Cards

El miércoles, the team behind the blockchain game Splinterlands announced that it reached a new milestone after the project sold more than 10 million packs from the fantasy-themed battle games Chaos Legion series of cards. The achievement follows the projects recent

ETC, RVN, ERGO Hashrate Soars Following The Merge, Large Quantity of Hashpower Awaits ETHW Fork

Ethereum has officially transitioned from a proof-of-work (PoW) network to a proof-of-stake (punto de venta) system after seven years of operating as a PoW blockchain. The Merge has forced ethereum miners to transition to other PoW-based tokens and after the ruleset change was

4 Crypto Tokens Reap Hashpower From The Merge, ETC Secures Most of the Hashrate Leaving ETH

20 hace días, a poll was shared on Twitter asking miners where they planned to dedicate their hashrate, after The Merge transitions Ethereum into a proof-of-stake (punto de venta) cadena de bloques. The proof-of-work (PoW) contenders at the time were tokens like ravencoin, ergo, flux,…

FMI: Los criptoactivos se vuelven más comunes como cobertura contra las monedas débiles, Posibles instrumentos de pago

The International Monetary Fund (FMI) published a report stating that crypto assets have gained amore mainstream presence as speculative investments, hedges against weak currencies, and potential payment instruments.The IMF has called for a global response to crypto regulation that

Preservar la infancia con amor: CoinEx Charity brinda calor a niños enfermos en Venezuela

En Agosto 19, a group of loving volunteers visited Hospital Universitario Antonio Patricio de Alcalá (HUAPA) in Cumaná, Venezuela. Wearing costumes and acting as cartoon characters such as Spider-Man and Elsa popular with children, they shuttled between pediatric wards while carrying