Russian Government Allows Regions to Raise Electricity Rates for Crypto Miners

The federal government in Moscow has permitted regions to determine local electricity tariffs for the population, a measure that will affect crypto mining at homes. Subsidized household electricity in Russia is often used to mint digital currencies in basements and garages….

metadioses, El juego de cadena de bloques de rol de acción de 8 bits

PRESIONE SOLTAR. The gaming business is undergoing a revolution thanks to the advent of blockchain technology. Because of this, eso’s giving developers a new way to engage the audience with capabilities that were previously unavailable. The Play-To-Earn (P2E) concepto, in which

$2.2 Trillion Asset Manager Pimco busca comerciar con criptomonedas, El CIO dice

Pimco, un administrador de activos con $2.2 billones bajo gestión, está buscando comenzar a operar con criptomonedas. “Nosotros’volver a operar desde una perspectiva de valor relativo,” La firma’dijo el director de inversiones. Pimco’s clientes incluyen bancos centrales, fondos de capital soberanos, fondos de pensiones públicos y privados,…