While Musk Mentions Doge Improvements, Dogecoin Developers Continue to Address Scaling Concerns

El domingo, Elon Musk discussed his relationship with the Dogecoin Foundation and he mentioned a few improvements hed like to see implemented via Dogecoin Cores codebase. Mientras tanto, Github metrics show developers have been working on Dogecoin Core during the last few

Turkey Is ‘at War’ With Cryptocurrency, Says President Erdogan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has clarified the governments stance on cryptocurrencies, stating that the country is at war with crypto. He emphasized that Turkey will continue with its own currency. A War and a Struggle Against Cryptocurrency Turkish President Recep

Bank of Russia to ‘Slow Down’ Payments to Crypto Exchanges, Curb Russians’ Impulsive Investments

Central Bank of Russia is now working with commercial banks in order to delay payments made to digital asset exchanges. The move aims to limitemotionalcryptocurrency purchases made byunqualifiedRussian investors, a CBR official revealed. The move is likely