Bitfarms Starts Bitcoin Megafarm Operations in Argentina

Bitfarms, a global Bitcoin mining company, has started operations in its mining megafarm located in Argentina. The farm, launched on September 16, is currently generating 10 megavatios (megavatio) of mining power during the first phase and will scale operations to be

Ruso arrestado por defraudar a compradores de hardware de minería valorado $300,000

La policía de la ciudad de Astrakhan, en el sur de Rusia, detuvo a un hombre acusado de defraudar a personas que querían comprar criptomineros.. Los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley dicen que el sospechoso ganó millones de rublos mediante ventas ficticias de dispositivos de minería a ciudadanos rusos.…

9,404 Dispositivos de criptominería incautados por las autoridades iraníes desde marzo

Iranian authorities have seized nearly 10,000 illegal cryptocurrency mining devices since March. Según informes, many of the seized crypto mining rigs were operating in public locations that receive free or heavily-subsidized electricity, such as schools and mosques. Iran Confiscates Nearly

El pivote de Ethereum hacia el consenso de prueba de participación preocupa a los usuarios sobre la posibilidad de censura a nivel de protocolo

The upcoming consensus change that Ethereum, the second largest cryptocurrency by market cap, is planning to execute in September has worried many users about the possibility of censorship happening at a protocol level. Esto significa que, even by interacting directly with

Kazajstán investiga un hotel de criptominería que supuestamente opera como esquema Ponzi

Authorities in Kazakhstan have launched an investigation into a mining hotel business suspected of being a crypto pyramid as part of an ongoing crackdown on illegal activities linked to cryptocurrencies. The platform, called Bincloud, lured investors through popular messaging apps. Bincloud

230 Economistas advierten que la ley de reducción de la inflación propuesta por el gobierno de EE. UU. impulsará la inflación

La semana pasada, Democrats unveiled climate and health care legislation called theInflation Reduction Act,” and theres a lot of debate over the name of the proposed public policy measures. After the legislation was revealed, 230 economists sent a letter to the

El informe de Chainalysis dice $2.2 Se han enviado millones en criptomonedas a grupos prorrusos en Ucrania

According to a report stemming from the blockchain intelligence company Chainalysis, the firm identified 54 pro-Russian groups that havecollectively received over $2.2 million worth of cryptocurrency.The paramilitary groups in Ukraine primarily received bitcoin and ether donations but also got

Iran Amends Regulations to Ease Crypto Miners’ Access to Renewable Energy

Authorities in Iran have revised some rules for the crypto mining industry in order to facilitate its access to green power. Licensed miners will now be able to purchase electricity produced from renewable sources from across the country at lower rates….

Security Service of Ukraine Shuts Down Crypto Mining Farm Near Front Line in Kharkiv

Ucrania’s main law enforcement agency has busted an illegal facility mining cryptocurrencies in the Kharkiv region. The operators of the crypto farm have been minting coins using large amounts of stolen electricity, threatening energy supply to critical infrastructure, the agency said….