Ruso arrestado por defraudar a compradores de hardware de minería valorado $300,000

La policía de la ciudad de Astrakhan, en el sur de Rusia, detuvo a un hombre acusado de defraudar a personas que querían comprar criptomineros.. Los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley dicen que el sospechoso ganó millones de rublos mediante ventas ficticias de dispositivos de minería a ciudadanos rusos.…

El multimillonario Mark Cuban fue demandado por supuestamente promover un 'esquema Ponzi' criptográfico masivo

Shark Tank star and the owner of the NBA team Dallas Mavericks, marca cubana, is facing a class action lawsuit for promoting Voyager Digitals crypto products. The plaintiffs claim that Voyager wasa massive Ponzi schemeand Cubanduped millions of

Celsius Clients Beg Bankruptcy Court to Release Crypto, One Customer Needs Funds to ‘Put Food on the Table’

After the crypto lender Celsius filed for bankruptcy protection on July 13, the company recently contacted customers and explained that an employee from one of the firms vendors accessed a list of Celsius client emails, and the email addresses weretransferred

El organismo de control financiero de Rusia investiga 400 Casos relacionados con criptomonedas, El director le dice a Putin

Rosfinmonitoring is conducting hundreds of investigations into cases involving cryptocurrencies, the head of the agency announced. Hundreds of thousands of Russians take part in crypto deals abroad, the top regulator also reported to the Russian president. Russian Authorities Initiate 20 Criminal

Demandas relacionadas con criptomonedas aumentan en Rusia, Los casos penales aumentan en 40%

Courts in Russia are hearing a growing number of cases around crypto assets, a new study has shown. About two-thirds of them have been launched under provisions of the countrys Criminal Code but civil cases represent a large share as well….

Tribunal Supremo de Venezuela afirma que Sunacrip tiene rol estratégico, Anula la oración anterior

The Supreme Tribunal of Justice of Venezuela has stated in a recent sentence that the tasks developed by Sunacrip, the national cryptocurrency and bitcoin mining watchdog, have a strategic significance for the country. The sentence also voids certain resolutions taken in

Los cortes de energía en la región rusa de Irkutsk se atribuyen a los mineros domésticos

Russians mining cryptocurrency in their homes have been blamed for the problems with the electricity supply in Irkutsk. Power outages have become a frequent occurrence in the region which maintains the lowest electricity rates in Russia. Subsidized household energy has turned