9,404 Dispositivos de criptominería incautados por las autoridades iraníes desde marzo

Iranian authorities have seized nearly 10,000 illegal cryptocurrency mining devices since March. Según informes, many of the seized crypto mining rigs were operating in public locations that receive free or heavily-subsidized electricity, such as schools and mosques. Iran Confiscates Nearly

El índice Crypto Fear and Greed muestra que el sentimiento del mercado sigue siendo temeroso

Después del índice Crypto Fear and Greed (CFGI) cayó a mínimos significativos y apuntó a “miedo extremo” en los criptomercados a finales de mayo, y durante la mayor parte de junio, hoy la calificación CFGI todavía está en el “miedo” zona, pero…

Terminaciones digitales Galaxy $1.2 Acuerdo de adquisición de mil millones de Bitgo, Criptoempresa aún planea cotizar en Nasdaq

Galaxy Digital Holdings and the companys CEO and founder Mike Novogratz announced the company hasexercised its right to terminatea previously announced acquisition of Bitgo. According to Galaxy the termination of the deal was due to Bitgo’s “failure to deliver”…

La plataforma brasileña de criptoinversión Bluebenx detiene los retiros bajo acusaciones de hackeo

Bluebenx, a Brazil-based cryptocurrency investment platform, suspended withdrawals last week due to an alleged hack that made the company lose more than $31 millón. The company announced that the withdrawals would be stopped for at least six months. The company has

El Banco de Rusia tiene como objetivo el lanzamiento completo del rublo digital en 2024

The Central Bank of Russia plans to begin the comprehensive implementation of the digital ruble two years from now, according to a paper detailing its monetary policy priorities for the 2023 – 2025 period. As the development of the state-issued digital

India congela el valor de los activos bancarios y criptográficos de Vauld respaldado por Peter Thiel $46 Millón

India’s Enforcement Directorate (ED) has frozen crypto exchange Vaulds crypto and bank assets worth about INR 370 crore ($46,439,181). Vauld halted deposits and withdrawals last month. The Indian law enforcement agency is reportedly investigating more than 10 cryptocurrency exchanges. Indian Authority

La popularidad de Crypto Investments justifica las regulaciones, El regulador de valores australiano dice

Altas tasas de propiedad de criptomonedas, con compras realizadas a menudo siguiendo los consejos de Youtube y Facebook, hacer “un caso sólido para la regulación,” según la Comisión Australiana de Valores e Inversiones. El organismo de control respalda su postura con resultados de encuestas que muestran que casi la mitad de…

Nuri de intercambio criptográfico alemán se declara insolvente

Cryptocurrency exchange Nuri has filed for insolvency, reportedly becoming Germanys first fintech to take the step in a challenging year for startups in the industry. Customer access to the platforms services and their funds will not be affected, the company assured….

Docenas de criptoempresas esperan la licencia de Portugal a pesar del cierre de cuentas bancarias

The central bank of Portugal is now reviewing 12 requests from businesses that want to provide crypto-related services in the country. The applications are pending decision amid recent reports that some commercial banks are closing accounts of already approved operators. Binance…

Debridge Finance sospecha que el sindicato de piratas informáticos de Corea del Norte Lazarus Group atacó al equipo del Protocolo

According to the co-founder of Debridge Finance, Alex Smirnov, the infamous North Korean hacking syndicate Lazarus Group subjected Debridge to an attempted cyberattack. Smirnov has warned Web3 teams that the campaign is likely widespread. Lazarus Group Suspected of Attacking Debridge Finance