Ser realistas, Lagarde: el activo subyacente que 'garantiza' que su moneda de estafa en euros es un arma

With the approaching tsunami of central bank digital currencies (CBDC) looming ever closer, it shouldnt come as a surprise when central banks shill their coins at the expense of sounder assets. Recientemente, European Central Bank president Christine Lagarde went so far

Las inquietantes similitudes del gran cambio monetario de hoy y la creación del sistema de la Reserva Federal impulsada por el pánico

Si bien muchos estadounidenses creen que los EE.. La Reserva Federal es el guardián del país.’sistema monetario, también se cree que es una de las peores instituciones financieras jamás creadas. En 2022, en medio de una economía sombría, guerra, and a number of global

$540 Million Worth of ‘Sleeping Bitcoins’ From 2014 Move — BTC Possibly Linked to Cryptsy Theft

En marzo 29, blockchain parsers caught a sequence of 11 transactions totaling 11,325 bitcoin moving from unknown wallets created in 2014, to a great number of recipient addresses. Es más, the stash of bitcoin worth $540 million today is possibly linked to

Exjefe de Wex Crypto Exchange supuestamente arrestado en Polonia, Se enfrenta a la extradición a Kazajstán

Dmitry Vasiliev, former chief executive of Russian cryptocurrency exchange Wex, has been detained in Warsaw, the Polish press reported. Vasiliev is wanted in Kazakhstan where he is accused of fraud related to the now defunct trading platform, successor of the infamous