Xapo Bank Integrates Lightning Network Payments Through Lightspark Partnership

En marzo 2, Xapo Bank announced its partnership with Lightspark, a company led by David Marcus, former crypto boss at Facebook. The partnership aims to extend the utility of bitcoin and the Lightning Network. Xapo revealed on Thursday that it is

RBI Begins First Retail Digital Rupee Pilot in 13 Indian Cities With 8 Banks

banco central de la india, el Banco de la Reserva de la India (carreras impulsadas), is launching its first retail digital rupee pilot on Dec. 1 with the participation of eight banks. The pilot will start in four cities and then expand to cover nine more cities

UK Bank Starling Blocks Payments to Crypto Platforms — Claims Crypto Is High Risk, Heavily Used for Criminal Purposes

Starling Bank has informed its customers that the bank no longer supports fund transfers to cryptocurrency platforms, including crypto exchanges. The bank stated that cryptocurrenciesare high risk and heavily used for criminal purposes and, as such, we no longer support

Bitcoin Core’s Version 24.0 Full-RBF Proposal Sparks Controversy, Synonym CEO Calls ‘Pet Agenda’ an ‘Attack’

During the last few weeks, a number of individuals have been discussing the upcoming release of Bitcoin Core version 24.0 and how the codebase will include full-replace-by-fee (RBF) logic. The discussion has become controversial as a few Lightning Network and zero

Indian Central Bank RBI Begins First Digital Rupee Pilot Today

banco central de la india, el Banco de la Reserva de la India (carreras impulsadas), is launching its first digital rupee pilot on Nov. 1. with the participation of nine banks. “Settlement in central bank money would reduce transaction costs by pre-empting the need for settlement guarantee

La firma de criptopagos Bitpay agrega soporte MATIC, Panini America para aceptar pagos de polígono

El proveedor de servicios de pago de Bitcoin y criptomonedas, Bitpay, ha anunciado que la empresa ahora es compatible con Polygon (MATIC) la red. Según la firma, Los usuarios de la aplicación Bitpay podrán almacenar, comercio, y gastar MATIC a finales de esta semana, y la empresa de coleccionables…

Colombia planea lanzar moneda digital para reducir evasión fiscal

The government of Colombia revealed it has plans to launch a digital currency. One of the purposes of this new currency would be to curb tax evasion and enhance the traceability of transactions made by citizens. The proposed measure would also

El recauchutador de neumáticos líder en Europa, Vaculug, aceptará criptopagos

Vaculug, a British company that brands itself as Europes largest independent tire retreader, will now accept cryptocurrencies for its products and services. Its management says the business must move with the times and offer customers more options than pounds and pence….