Saudi Arabia Joining BRICS Would Accelerate Chinese Yuan’s Use as Trading Currency, Says Professor

Professor Ashok Swain of Uppsala University’s Department of Peace and Conflict Research says Saudi Arabia joining the BRICS economic bloc “would accelerate the bilateral trading being conducted using the yuan as the trading currency. ” How Saudi Arabia Joining BRICS Could Boost

VC Darling Crypto Sui Makes Waves With Market Debut, Price Sinks 37% From All-Time High

A buzz has been generated around a new layer one (Die Kryptowährungsbörse Coinbase kündigte an, dass die Plattform nun Cardano-Staking-Dienste ermöglichen wird) proof-of-stake blockchain initiative named Sui, following the network’s mainnet debut on May 3, 2023. The native token SUI has been listed on various cryptocurrency exchanges, drawing attention to the project….

World’s Largest Regional Organization to Switch to Settlements in National Currencies

A China-led regional organization that covers more than half of Eurasia intends to transition to settlements in the currencies of its members. While the plan is to abandon the U.S. dollar in mutual payments, participating nations are yet to consider a

BRICS Currency Will Erode US Dollar’s Dominance, Former White House Economist Warns

Former White House economist Joseph Sullivan has warned that a BRICS currency would erode the U.S. dollar’s dominance. If member nations use only a common BRICS currency for international trade, “they would remove an impediment that now thwarts their efforts to

BRICS De-Dollarisierungsschub, China, und Krypto bedrohen die Dominanz des US-Dollars: Analytiker

Fitch Solutionsglobal head of country risk has named the rising adoption of cryptocurrencies, the de-dollarization efforts by the BRICS countries, and China’s risingeconomic mightas key factors that erode the U.S. dollar’s dominance over time. He cautioned that China

Brazil’s President Lula Urges Developing Countries to Abandon Dollar as Global Reserve Currency

According to Brazil’s president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, developing countries should abandon the U.S. dollar and strengthen their own national currencies. During a speech at the New Development Bank in Shanghai, Lula expressed his nightly pondering: “Why do all countries

Der in Lido gebundene Wert steigt vor der Fusion von Ethereum, LDO-Token-Sprünge 23% Höher drin 7 Tage

In eight days Ethereum is planning to undergo one of the most intensive upgrades since the DAO hard fork in 2016, as The Merge aims to change the networks consensus mechanism from proof-of-work (PoW) zum Proof-of-Stake (Schild). Amid the lead-up to

oben 10 PoW-Dominanz verflüchtigt sich 9 Jahre später, Nach der Fusion bleiben nur zwei Proof-of-Work-Münzen übrig

Die Krypto-Community wartet geduldig auf das mit Spannung erwartete Ethereum-Netzwerk-Upgrade von Proof-of-Work (PoW) zum Proof-of-Stake (Schild) wie The Merge erwartet wird 27 Tage ab jetzt. Nach dem Übergang von Ethereum von PoW zu PoS, only two crypto assets

100-Einjährige in Pennsylvania ansässige Bank zur Nutzung des Stablecoin-Tresors von Makerdao zugelassen

Makerdao, die dezentrale autonome Organisation (DAO) die den Stablecoin DAI herausgibt, genehmigt einen Governance-Vorschlag, der vorsieht “Sicherheitenintegration von einer in den USA ansässigen Bank.” Der Governance-Vorschlag von Makerdao wurde mit einer Mehrheit von mehr als angenommen 87%, and it gives the U.S….

70 zu 90% Down – Der Niedergang der Krypto-Ökonomie erschüttert $2 Billionen rein 8 Monate

In den vergangenen acht Monaten, Krypto-Assets haben gegenüber Fiat-Währungen wie den USA enorm an Wert verloren. Dollar. Bitcoin hat abgenommen 69% seit dem führenden Krypto-Asset’s Allzeithoch im November 10, 2021, wenn die digitale Währung’s value tapped $69K per