Rapport: Slettede filer indikerer, at kryptolåner Hodlnauts ledere gav lidt vægt til Terra Luna-eksponering

According to a report, the embattled crypto lender Hodlnaut saw a significant loss from the Terra blockchain collapse last May. The report notes that Hodlnaut downplayed the companys exposure to the Terra ecosystem and allegedly lost $190 million from the incident….

Singapore søger at reducere risici for detailkrypteringsinvestorer med restriktive regler

Financial authorities in Singapore have proposed new regulations designed to protect consumers from risks associated with cryptocurrency investment and trading. The measures, which also aim to expand regulations for stablecoins, will be discussed with the industry before their adoption. Singapore Prepares

Hong Kong præsenterer digital valutaprototype, Projekt guld

Financial authorities in Hong Kong have unveiled a prototype of the Chinese autonomous territory’s own central bank digital currency called Project Aurum. The two-tier platform features a wholesale interbank and a retail e-wallet system, participants revealed. Hong Kong to Issue Retail

Binance og Paxos-støttede Stablecoin BUSDs markedsværdistigninger 22% i 2 måneder

I midten af ​​august, eller 68 dage siden, the market capitalization of the stablecoin BUSD was approximately $17.7 billion and since then, its grown 22.88% higher to today’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta $21.78 milliard. BUSD’s growth comes at a time when the market valuations of the top

Basel-undersøgelse viser, at verdens største banker er udsat for $9 Milliarder i kryptoaktiver

A first-of-its-kind study published by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision details that the worlds largest financial institutions are exposed to roughly €9.4 milliard (US$9 billion) in crypto assets. The research paper authored by the Basel Committees secretariat Renzo Corrias further

Circle CEO, Paxos, og Trueusd Tal om Binances Stablecoin Auto-Conversion Decision

Den september 5, Binance explained that it planned to drop a number of usdc trading pairs and auto-convert specific stablecoin balances into busd by September 29. While the move was controversial among crypto proponents on social media, Circle Financial CEO Jeremy

Den argentinske provins Mendoza begynder at acceptere skattebetalinger i Crypto

Mendoza, en argentinsk provins, har implementeret et system, der gør det muligt for skatteyderne at betale deres skat fuldt ud med kryptovalutaer. Systemet, som blev lanceret i denne uge, is part of a strategic push for the modernization and digitalization of payments carried by the

Stablecoin-udsteder Tether vil ikke fryse Tornado Cash-adresser, Siger, at for tidlig frysning kan bringe undersøgelser i fare

Mens kryptosamfundet stadig taler om U.S. regeringen forbyder ethereum-blandingsplatformen Tornado Cash, stablecoin-udstederen Tether Holdings Limited afslørede onsdag, at selskabet ikke ville “fryse Tornado Cash-adresser.” Tether’s recently published blog post

Morgan Stanley-analytiker siger, at kryptoøkonomiens likviditet er blevet forbedret, men der er 'ingen stor efterspørgsel at genudnytte'

En analytiker hos det New York-baserede finansielle service- og investeringsforvaltningsselskab Morgan Stanley udtalte mandag, at kryptolikviditeten ser ud til at komme sig. Morgan Stanley’s Sheena Shah highlighted in a note to investors that the stablecoin market capitalization is seeing

Hodlnaut Rettens sagsfremhævning a $193 Million underskud, Whistleblower fordømmer kryptolångivers modstridende erklæringer

Den urolige kryptoudlåner Hodlnaut delte endnu en opdatering, efter at virksomheden frøs tilbagetrækninger i august 8, og afslørede derefter, at virksomheden søger juridisk ledelse for at rehabilitere opstarten. The latest update shows that Hodlnaut experienced a shortfall of