Marathon udvider aftalen om udrulning af minearbejdere med Compute North, Sigter mod at forsyne 100.000+ minearbejdere med vedvarende energi

Marathon Digital Holdings, a Nasdaq-listed bitcoin mining-based company, has announced a new deal with Compute North, a data center service provider, to host more than 100,000 mining machines in its data centers. The deal is an expansion of an earlier deal

Data viser, at et utal af kryptonetværk er mere rentable at udvinde end Bitcoin

As the end of the year approaches, digital currency values have risen a great deal in 2021 and crypto asset miners have been profiting as a result. Ifølge statistikker, the most profitable coin to mine at the end of November

Bitcoin Mining Company Griid sikrer $525 Million Credit Facility fra

På mandag, the mining firm Griid Infrastructure announced the company has secured a $525 million credit facility from the crypto firm World Cup, the credit facility will be a four-year term in order to increase the companys mining

Marathon planlægger at rejse $500 Millioner fra konvertible seniorsedler til køb af bitcoin og minedrift

På mandag, the enterprise bitcoin mining operation Marathon Digital Holdings announced the firm will raise $500 million from convertible senior notes in order to accrue morebitcoin or bitcoin mining machines.Publicly-Listed Mining Operation to Raise $500M From Debt Markets to

Russiske embedsmænd tilbage idé om at anerkende kryptominearbejdere som iværksættere

Cryptocurrency mining should be recognized as an entrepreneurial activity under Russian law and taxed accordingly, representatives of key ministries in Moscow and the parliament have indicated. Officials believe the regulatory move would benefit both the state and the crypto industry. Russian

Bitcoin Mining Operation Genesis Digital Assets annoncerer nyt datacenter i det vestlige Texas

Following a number of ASIC mining rig acquisitions from the manufacturer Canaan, the bitcoin mining operation Genesis Digital Assets announced on Monday that the firm is developing an industrial-scale bitcoin mining data center in West Texas. World Cup, Genesis

Minefirmaet Titan introducerer Lumerin, et projekt, der sigter mod at kommodificere Bitcoins hashpower

I oktober 21, bitcoin mining pool operatøren Titan afslørede en ny decentral hashpower routing protokol kaldet Lumerin. Open source-projektet har til formål at commodify bitcoin’s hashkraft “gennem smarte kontrakter, gør hashpower omsættelig.” Blog’s Mining Arm Titan Announces the Lumerin Protocol The

Single Mining Farm har brug for lige så meget strøm som 24,000 Hjem, Kasakhstan skøn

Myndighederne i Kasakhstan har beregnet energiforbruget i landet’s kryptomineindustri, der konkurrerer om elektricitet med andre sektorer i økonomien og husholdninger. The government has also estimated the additional supply necessary to meet the growing demand from

Lokale virksomheder i New York opfordrer guvernøren til at indføre et statsdækkende Bitcoin-minemoratorium

The governor of New York state, Kathy Hochul, has been urged by a group of local companies to deny business permits to bitcoin miners. The letter specifically asks for thedenial of permits for the Greenidge Generating Station and the Fortistar

Bitfarms starter opførelsen af ​​Mega Bitcoin Mining Farm i Argentina

Bitfarme, et bitcoin-mineselskab, annoncerede i sidste uge, at byggeriet er i gang til en mega bitcoin-minefarm i Argentina. Anlægget, som er designet til at rumme 55,000 minearbejdere, vil være færdig til næste år. This is yet another signal that