Udkast til lov, der regulerer aspekter af kryptobeskatning, forelagt det russiske parlament

Et lovforslag, der opdaterer Rusland’s skattelov for at inkorporere bestemmelser vedrørende kryptovalutaer er blevet indgivet til statsdumaen, parlamentets underhus. Lovgivningen er skræddersyet til at regulere beskatningen af ​​salg og fortjeneste i landet’s market for

Det russiske finansministerium ændrer lovforslaget om digital valuta,Tilføjer Crypto Mining-bestemmelser

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation has revised a draft law designed to regulate the country’s kryptorum, introducing provisions for cryptocurrency mining. The bill has been resubmitted to the government and may be adopted during the parliaments spring

De uhyggelige ligheder mellem dagens store monetære skift og den panikledede oprettelse af Federal Reserve System

Mens mange amerikanere tror, ​​at U.S. Federal Reserve er landets vicevært’s monetære system, det menes også at være en af ​​de værste finansielle institutioner, der nogensinde er skabt. I 2022, midt i en dyster økonomi, krig, and a number of global

Ukraine presser på for medlemskab i europæisk blockchain-partnerskab

Activists and lawmakers in Kyiv are urging the EU to accept Ukraine as a member of the European Blockchain Partnership. They believe the recently adopted lawOn Virtual Assetsopens the way for the country to become a blockchain leader on

Vietnamesisk regering og centralbank udvikler juridiske rammer for krypto

Vietnam is creating a legal framework for cryptocurrency. Landet’s deputy prime minister has instructed the Ministries of Finance, Justice, and Information & Communications to work with the central bank, the State Bank of Vietnam, on the framework. Vietnam Creating Legal

Amerikanske senatorer arbejder på bredbaseret kryptoregulering

Two U.S. senators are working on a bipartisan, broad-based regulatory framework for cryptocurrency. “The work were doing is going to be a very complex and intensive review of the different aspects of this industry,” said one of the senators. US Senators

Den indiske regering afslører, hvordan den planlægger at beskatte kryptovalutatransaktioner

Indien’s ministry of finance has clarified in parliament how the government plans to tax cryptocurrency transactions. A proposed new section to the Income Tax Act states that gains from crypto transactions will be taxed at 30% while losses cannot be deducted….

MiCA-ændringer foreslået i sidste øjeblik genopliver truslen om EU-forbud mod Bitcoin, Rapport afslører

Changes to the EUs MiCA proposal to regulate crypto markets, suggested shortly before a vote on the package, indicate a bitcoin ban is still a possibility. Despite recently removing wording that would have prohibited coins with energy-intensive mining, some members of

Proof-of-Work-forbud fjernet fra Europas foreslåede kryptoforordning

A text threatening to prohibit cryptocurrencies relying on energy-intensive proof-of-work mining has been deleted from the draft legislation aimed at regulating the European crypto space. The move comes after the controversial provision sparked objections from the crypto community. MiCA Proposal Drops

Ukraines centralbank begrænser kontanthævninger midt i russisk overfald

The central bank of Ukraine has capped withdrawals of cash in national fiat and banned those in foreign currency. The monetary authority says the measures aim to ensure the functioning of the nations financial system under the martial law introduced in