Dvision Network annoncerer Binance Custody som sin depotholder med DVI-token understøttet

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. I endnu en banebrydende præstation, den blockchain-baserede metaverse-platform Dvision Network har netop annonceret sin officielle onboarding på Binance Custody. Som sådan, Binance’s depotafdeling vil støtte ind- og udbetalinger af Dvision’s native token, DVI, på sin platform. Det…

Veteraninvestor Bill Miller forbliver bullish på Bitcoin - bekræfter, at han har en masse BTC

Famed value investor and fund manager Bill Miller says he hasa lotof bitcoin and has not sold any despite the recent crypto sell-off. Han insisterede på, at investorer skulle lægge noget af deres likvide nettoformue i kryptovalutaen. Bill

US Treasury lancerer Cryptocurrency Awareness Program

USA. Department of the Treasury is launching a cryptocurrency awareness program. “Vi’re just trying to raise awareness without trying to stamp out new technology and new innovation,” said an official of the Treasury. Skatkammer’s Efforts to Raise Crypto Awareness The

Milliardær Bill Miller deler nuværende Crypto Outlook: 'Det er meget bullish for Bitcoin'

Veteran investor and fund manager Bill Miller explains why he thinks that it is currentlyvery bullish for bitcoin.Miller noted that Russia has almost 50% of its reserves in currencies that are controlled by people who want to do them

Revolut lancerer banktjenester i Spanien med indskudsforsikring

Revol, en førende fintech-platform og neobank, har modtaget en særlig banklicens til at drive virksomhed i Spanien. Brugerindskud er nu forsikret op til €100K, hvor dækningen ydes af Indskuds- og investeringsforsikring, et litauisk statsselskab. Virksomheden,…

Det første af sin slags Metachain-projekt, ShuttleOne tilslutter sig Tezos Protocol

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. ShuttleOne, the latest project to embrace Tezos, to soon drive adoption and liquidity while resolving blockchain fragmentation. Singapore: Tezos, the highly scalable, self-amending proof of stake blockchain protocol is opening its arms to ShuttleOnea one of its

Institutionelle investorer forventer større korrektion i kryptomarkedet næste år

Many institutional investors are predicting a major correction in the cryptocurrency market next year, a survey published by Natixis Investment Managers shows. Despite seeing crypto as the top contender for a major correction, institutional investors are increasingly warming up to the

De tre store kreditbureauer kritiserer El Salvadors Bitcoin-adoption - S&P Global advarer om 'umiddelbare negative konsekvenser'

All of theBig Threecredit agencies have said that El Salvadors adoption of bitcoin could affect the countrys credit rating in a negative manner. After both Moodys and Fitch Ratings published reports on the matter in El Salvador, S&P Global…