Marathon udvider aftalen om udrulning af minearbejdere med Compute North, Sigter mod at forsyne 100.000+ minearbejdere med vedvarende energi

Marathon Digital Holdings, a Nasdaq-listed bitcoin mining-based company, has announced a new deal with Compute North, a data center service provider, to host more than 100,000 mining machines in its data centers. The deal is an expansion of an earlier deal

Bitcoin Mining Company Griid sikrer $525 Million Credit Facility fra

På mandag, the mining firm Griid Infrastructure announced the company has secured a $525 million credit facility from the crypto firm World Cup, the credit facility will be a four-year term in order to increase the companys mining

Single Mining Farm har brug for lige så meget strøm som 24,000 Hjem, Kasakhstan skøn

Myndighederne i Kasakhstan har beregnet energiforbruget i landet’s kryptomineindustri, der konkurrerer om elektricitet med andre sektorer i økonomien og husholdninger. The government has also estimated the additional supply necessary to meet the growing demand from

Lokale virksomheder i New York opfordrer guvernøren til at indføre et statsdækkende Bitcoin-minemoratorium

The governor of New York state, Kathy Hochul, has been urged by a group of local companies to deny business permits to bitcoin miners. The letter specifically asks for thedenial of permits for the Greenidge Generating Station and the Fortistar

Kinas Hebei-provins begynder at slå ned på kryptominedrift og handel, Rapporter afslører

Authorities in the Chinese province of Hebei have reportedly launched a campaign against cryptocurrency mining and trading. According to a quoted announcement by the regions cyberspace administration, a number of government agencies are working together to prevent the use of the

Iran lukker flere ulovlige krypto -gårde ned, At bringe Total til Over 5,300

Myndigheder i Iran fortsætter deres angreb på uautoriseret minedrift af kryptokurrency, da efterspørgslen efter elektricitet fortsat er høj. Landet’s elforsyningsselskab har indtil nu lukket mere end 5,300 ulovlige minefaciliteter, beslaglægge en enorm mængde møntmøntningsmaskiner. Power Utility…