Deloitte undersøgelse: 85% af handlende siger, at aktivering af kryptobetalinger har høj prioritet

A survey conducted by Deloitte in collaboration with PayPal found that over 85% of merchantsare giving high or very high priority to enabling cryptocurrency payments.” Ud over, “nearly three-quarters of those surveyed reported plans to accept either cryptocurrency or stablecoin

Mad Moneys Jim Cramer tilbyder råd om investering i kryptovaluta

The host of Mad Money, Jim Cramer, has some advice for cryptocurrency investors. “I would never discourage you from buying crypto,” han sagde, adding that he himself owns ethereum. Jim Cramer’s Advice on Crypto Investing Jim Cramer, the host of Mad

Paypal opgraderer kryptotjenesten - lader nu brugere overføre kryptovalutaer til andre tegnebøger, Udvekslinger

Paypal has begun letting users transfer cryptocurrencies between its platform and other wallets and exchanges. “This feature has been consistently ranked by users as one of the most requested enhancements since we began offering the purchase of crypto on our platform,”…

Bitcoin, Ethereum teknisk analyse: BTC fortsætter med at konsolidere, Priserne rykker lidt over $30,000

Bitcoin moved away from Tuesdays lows during the hump-day session, as prices were once again above $30,000. Prices have been hovering above and below this level over the last few weeks, with no significant gains in the period. ETH was also

Indisk regulator: Cryptos decentraliserede natur gør regulering udfordrende

Indien’s market regulator, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), says the decentralized nature of crypto assets makes consumer protection and regulatory enforcement challenging. SEBI on Crypto Regulation The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) reportedly told the Parliamentary

Bitso samarbejder med Addem Capital for at levere kryptovalutainvesteringsinstrumenter i Latam

Navn, the Mexico-based cryptocurrency exchange, has announced a new partnership with Addem Capital, a debt fund that provides startups and other companies with financing options. The cryptocurrency exchange will process payments for the fund and provide conversion functions, allowing it to

En nyudgivet bog hævder at fortælle den 'rigtige historie bag den mystiske Bitcoin Creator'

Under den sidste 13 flere år, et stort antal individer har hævdet at være opfinderen af ​​Bitcoin, men ingen enkelt person har været i stand til at bevise dette over for det større kryptosamfund. I slutningen af ​​august 2019, a marketing

UAE Charitable Foundation modtager godkendelse til at acceptere kryptodonationer

Al Jalila Foundation, De Forenede Arabiske Emiraters velgørende organisation, for nylig annonceret, at det har fået tilladelse til at acceptere cryptocurrency-donationer. Accepting cryptocurrencies makes it possible for the foundation to receive funding via what is described as one of the fastest-growing

Den tjekkiske centralbank planlægger en tifoldig stigning i guldbeholdningen, Ny guvernør siger, at ædelmetal er "godt til diversificering"

The incoming governor of the Czech National Bank (CNB), Aleš Michl, has said he plans to increase the institutions gold holdings almost tenfold from the current 11 tonnes to 100 tonnes. Michl also said he will ask the banks foreign exchange