Rumvandrere: At blive en investor i Blockchain – Hvordan kan nogen investere i spilleindustrien?

Rumvandrere, a gaming studio, is revolutionizing the way that investors can participate in the profits of their projects. The company is releasing a series of games and offering the opportunity for anyone to invest in them through the use of blockchain

Det østafrikanske samfund skal beslutte om lancering af den regionale centralbank 2023

The East African Community (EAC) will decide during the course of the year 2023 when and where it will locate the envisioned regional central bank, the regional intergovernmental organization’s Peter Mathuki has reportedly said. The setting up of the regional central

Japan opfordrer tilsynsmyndigheder over hele verden til at underkaste kryptoudvekslinger tilsyn på bankniveau

Japan has reportedly urged other countries, including the U.S., to regulate crypto exchanges like they do banks. A top official at the Financial Services Agency explained that the recent FTX implosion wasn’t brought on by crypto technology but byloose governance,…

Digital Currency Group suspenderer udbytte på grund af regulatoriske problemer med datterselskabets Genesis

According to a shareholdersletter from Digital Currency Group (DCG) viewed by finance and crypto publication Coindesk, the company has suspended dividends until further notice. This news follows the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) charging a subsidiary firm of DCG,…

Sao Paolo-domstolen dømte imod Binance i en sag om brugertilbagetrækning

A court in Sao Paolo, Brasilien, ruled against Binance in a case in which the leading cryptocurrency exchange faced a withdrawal-related complaint. A user, who introduced a lawsuit against the exchange because he couldn’t retrieve his funds from the platform, modtaget…

Hashkey kapitalhæver $500 Millioner til sin tredje fond, På trods af nedgang i kryptomarkedet

World Cup, global asset manager Hashkey, which focuses on crypto and blockchain investments, announced that it has closed its third fund at $500 million. The company’sHashKey Fintech Investment IIIis dedicated to developing crypto solutions, Kosmos, and Web3 concepts….

Smart kontraktpoletter, Defi Økonomi Se stærk vækst, Markedsværdien stiger med $78 Milliard ind 30 Dage

Smart contract tokens and the decentralized finance economy have been on a tear during the last month, gaining against the U.S. dollar. The market capitalization of the smart contract platform token economy has swelled by $78 billion over the last 30

Bitcoin, Ethereum teknisk analyse: BTC tilbage ovenfor $21,000, Efter stærke kinesiske BNP-tal

Bitcoin klatrede tilbage ovenover $21,000 er Jan. 17, da markederne reagerede på bedre end forventet kinesisk bruttonationalprodukt (BNP) tal. Den økonomiske udgivelse kommer som U.S. handlende vendte også tilbage til handling, efter observationen af ​​Martin Luther King Jr. Dags fejring….

Georgia forbereder sig på at lancere Digital Lari Pilot i første halvdel af 2023

The central bank of Georgia intends to publish a document detailing the concept of a national digital currency in the coming months. Other participating parties will use it to finalize their proposals for the pilot which the monetary authority plans to