Sega kan muligvis droppe NFT-eksperimenter, hvis de opfattes af spillere som et pengegreb

Sega, a leading videogame development company, has announced its new stance when it comes to the play-to-earn model and the inclusion of NFTs in its games. In the latest management meeting of the company, which happened on December 24th, Sega CEO

Indiens centralbank RBI diskuterer digital valuta og CBDC-lancering med minimal indvirkning på pengepolitikken

Indien’s centralbank, Indiens Reserve Bank (RBI), siger en grundlæggende centralbanks digital valuta (CBDC) model skal vedtages indledningsvis og testes grundigt for at minimere indvirkningen på landet’s pengepolitik og banksystem. The Indian apex bank

Indisk kryptoregning: Exchange CEO diskuterer, hvad man kan forvente

There are reports that the Indian government may impose restrictions on self-custodial cryptocurrency wallets and only allow Indian crypto exchanges. The CEO of a major cryptocurrency exchange in India has shared his thoughts on the possible restrictions. The Indian government has

RChain og Hoo: Pilen har allerede været på snoren

On November 27th, 2021, RChains founder Greg Meredith and blockchain scientist Atticbee were invited as guests to an AMA hosted by the Hoo Exchange. Hoo is a Dubai based innovation driven crypto exchange and has their in-house developed public chain, HSC,…

Den indiske regering besvarer spørgsmål om Bitcoin-transaktioner, Karnataka fidus, Lovligheden af ​​kryptohandel

The Indian government has answered three sets of questions in parliament regarding bitcoin transactions, the high-profile bitcoin scam in Karnataka, and the legality of cryptocurrency trading and crypto exchanges in India. I mellemtiden, the winter session of parliament has begun and a

SEC -formand Gary Gensler: Ingen plan om at forbyde krypto, Det er op til kongressen

SEC -formand Gary Gensler siger, at SEC ikke har nogen planer om at forbyde kryptokurver, som Kina har gjort. Han bemærkede, at det ville være op til kongressen at træffe en sådan beslutning. For nylig, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell similarly said that

Tyrkiet er 'i krig' med kryptovaluta, Siger præsident Erdogan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has clarified the governments stance on cryptocurrencies, stating that the country is at war with crypto. He emphasized that Turkey will continue with its own currency. A War and a Struggle Against Cryptocurrency Turkish President Recep