Embedsmænd i Bahamas har angiveligt bedt SBF om at præge millioner af dollars i nye tokens midt i FTX-kollapset

På mandag, court documents from lawyers involved with the FTX Trading LTD Chapter 11 bankruptcy case allege that the government of The Bahamas asked the disgraced FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) to mint new crypto tokens. The lawyers detailed that it

Rapport: Kinesisk virksomhed lancerer digitalt valutaforsikringsprodukt

The Suzhou branch of the Chinese insurance company China Pacific Insurance, together with the Bank of Communications, recently announced the launch of a digital currency account insurance product. The launch comes at a time when the number of personal digital currency

Kryptoen 6 Sagen skal kun behandles 1 Tiltalte venstre, Anklagerens såkaldte 'ekspert' udelukket

Den dec. 6, 2022, the “Crypto Six” case will be heading to trial, and out of all six defendants, only Ian Freeman, co-host of the radio broadcast Free Talk Live, has not accepted a plea bargain. According to the most recent

Glem ikke vigtigheden af ​​censurmodstand

Since people are once again talking about self-custody as one of cryptos unique strengths, I would like to remind everyone about an equally important fundamental value proposition of crypto that, in the early days, was touted as the killer feature. jeg’m

Bitget giver investorer en fordel med en række kryptosociale handelsfunktioner

For most retail investors, trading has traditionally been a solitary exercise, making the barrier to entry relatively high. Information regarding trading instruments and market conditions can often be hard to come by or, at other times, too complex for beginners to

FTX-medstifter Sam Bankman-Fried står over for amerikansk udlevering, Skifteretten siger, at topledere ikke vil blive kompenseret

According to a report citing three people familiar with the matter, the former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) may be extradited to the United States for questioning. After it was alleged that SBF transferred $10 billion in customer funds to Alameda

Konkurs kryptobørs FTX undersøger salg af datterselskaber, CEO afslører

Bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange FTX is exploring sales, recapitalizations, and other strategic transactions with respect to its solvent subsidiaries. The firm’s new CEO has instructed the FTX teamto prioritize the preservation of franchise value as best we can in these difficult

FIFA afslører en række nye Web 3․0-spil forud for FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. FIFA has unveiled a portfolio of new future-focussed web 3.0 games to entertain and engage a wider group of fans ahead of FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™. Gaming and esports are some of the fastest-growing opportunities for FIFA as

Kim Kardashian og Floyd Mayweather vinder foreløbig domstolsafgørelse i Ethereummax-retssag: Rapport

Reality TV star Kim Kardashian and boxing legend Floyd Mayweather Jr. reportedly won a tentative court ruling in a class-action lawsuit involving the Ethereummax token. Investors have accused the celebrities of hyping Ethereummax and pumping the EMAX crypto token. Judge’s Tentative

Gamefi-projektet Oasys sigter mod at vokse Blockchain-spil i Japan gennem YGG-partnerskab

Oasys, a gaming-oriented, Japan-based Web3 project, is partnering with YGG, a blockchain gaming guild, to grow blockchain gaming in Japan. The partnership encompasses the use of YGG resources to promote gaming projects built on top of the Oasys ecosystem, giving developers