Den brasilianske præsident Lula skal fungere som BRICS-forbindelse for at hjælpe Argentina, Diskuterer kreditgrænse i brasilianske reals

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva stated Brazil will serve as a facilitator to try and arrange BRICS bloc assistance for Argentina. Lula stated that the New Development Bank — the BRICS bank — could modify some of its rules

Chatgpt 'Er den nye krypto,Meta siger, at malware-aktører udnytter AI-dille

Et stigende antal malware-skabere udnytter nu den betydelige interesse for Chatgpt for at lokke ofre til, Facebook-ejer Meta har bemærket. Ifølge dens chef for informationssikkerhed, the AI-based chatbot is “the new crypto” for bad actors

Økonom Peter Schiff advarer mod stagflation i amerikansk økonomi - siger, at 'det vil blive værre'

Economist Peter Schiff has warned that the U.S. economy is facing stagflation and the situation is going to get worse. “Not only is the economy weakening, but inflation is strengthening,” understregede han, at understrege: “You have the worst of both worlds.” OS….

Bitcoin Cash Smart-kontrakter 'Sammenlignelige med dem på Ethereum' Mulige via maj-opgradering, '1000x effektivitetsfordel': Udvikler Jason Dreyzehner

Pro-freedom technologies advocate and software developer Jason Dreyzehner recently spoke with News via email about the upcoming Bitcoin Cash network upgrade on May 15. One of the most talked about improvement proposals set to go through on that date —…

Netflix-stjerne driver Bitcoin-adoption med Porsche, der fører El Salvador-flag

Den skotsk-salvadoranske kører Sebastian Melrose har fået sin debut i Porsche Carrera Cup racermesterskabet. Den 25-årige, som deltog i en populær Netflix tv-serie sidste år, kører en Bitcoin-mærket 911 that features the flag of crypto-friendly El Salvador on

Brasilien forbyder telegram midlertidigt på grund af påstået manglende samarbejde i kampen mod skolevold

A federal judge in Brazil has ordered the temporary suspension of Telegram in the country and established hefty fines due to the supposed lack of collaboration of the company in a national crusade against school violence. Telegram failed to deliver information

Den russiske udenrigsminister Sergey Lavrov udtaler, at de-dollariseringen "kan ikke længere stoppes"

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has spoken on the current shift to national currencies and the de-dollarization international markets are currently experiencing. In a press conference after addressing the UN Security Council on April 25, Lavrov stated this shift could not

gylden port (GGX) Developer Insights og Novel DeFi

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. gylden port (GGX) is a novel interchain infrastructure protocol that eliminates Layer 0 communication friction by delivering protocol-agnostic communications and more secure liquidity transfer. Golden Gate mediates interchain communication via the Incentivized Message Delivery Protocol (IMDP), which uses a

Kina skubber digital Yuan til lønudbetalinger i Changshu

Changshu, a city in China with more than 1.5 million inhabitants, will pay public workerswages with the Chinese central bank digital currency (CBDC), den digitale yuan. The move marks an acceleration of the adoption plans that Beijing has for the

Rusland vil øge afhængigheden af ​​nationale valutaer i energihandel, Lover at flytte væk fra den amerikanske dollar

Russia will increase its reliance on national currencies to settle payments for its energy resources, moving away from the US dollar, according to Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak. Novak noted there is a great interest in acquiring Russian energy resources,…