AMC Theatres undersøger at acceptere Dogecoin: CEO fascineret af DOGE-afstemningsresultater

AMC Theatres chain is exploring how to accept dogecoin alongside four other cryptocurrencies. AMC’s CEO conducted a poll on Twitter and was overwhelmed by the results and enthusiasm of the dogecoin community. “Det’s clear that you think AMC should accept dogecoin…. fordobler i forhold til ikke-frihedsberøvende model, in line with its vision to supporteconomic freedom,’ is refocusing its efforts on non-custodial, eller ‘self hosted,’ crypto products, including exchange. Derfor, the Wallet, which is fully non-custodial and provides users with direct access to public blockchains like

Tværkædede broer, der forbinder 5 Forskellige blockchains til Ethereum

I løbet af de sidste par måneder, broteknologi på tværs af kæder er vokset meget, og brugere kan nu bytte aktiver mellem et utal af netværk. I dag, mellem otte forskellige broer der’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta $7.6 milliarder af samlet værdi låst på tværs af disse platforme. Tværkædede broer …

Paypal fuldfører udrulning af kryptotilbud i Storbritannien: Første internationale udvidelse uden for USA

Paypal has completed the first international expansion of its cryptocurrency offering outside of the U.S. Paypal Crypto is now available to customers in the U.K. allowing them to buy, holde, and sell four kinds of cryptocurrencies. Paypal Crypto Now Available to

Det siger den koreanske regering 28 Krypto-udvekslinger har opfyldt regulatoriske krav for at fortsætte driften

The deadline for cryptocurrency exchanges to meet the requirements to continue operations under new crypto regulations in South Korea is rapidly approaching. Ialt 28 cryptocurrency exchanges have reportedly been cleared by the regulators to remain open. Imidlertid, only four

ABEY er en af ​​de hurtigst voksende blockchains i verden, der tilføjer 20,000 Nye adresser hver uge

Denne uge, ABEY has announced that it has been adding an average of 20,000 active ABEY 2.0 addresses each week since the beginning of August 2021, making it one of the fastest-growing blockchains in the world and finishing an exceptional week

IRS, Janet Yellen Press Lovgivere til at skubbe 'Tax Compliance Agenda' - Banker til at rapportere indskud, Udbetalinger af $600

På onsdag, OS. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) commissioner Charles Rettig and Janet Yellen, the Treasury secretary, urged lawmakers to give the IRS permission to report annual inflows and outflows from American bank accounts. Regardless of tax liability, financial institutions across the

Bridgewaters Ray Dalio advarer, at regulatorer vil dræbe Bitcoin, hvis kryptoen bliver 'virkelig vellykket'

Ray Dalio, the founder of the worlds largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, believes that if bitcoin isreally successful,” the regulators willkill it,” reiterating his previous concerns of governments banning cryptocurrencies. Nonetheless, he sees bitcoin as a good alternative to