Teslas Elon Musk tilbyder at købe Twitter for $41 Milliard, Siger, at han vil gøre det til et privat firma

Tesla-milliardæren Elon Musk har tilbudt at købe Twitter for $41.4 milliard, ifølge en Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) arkiv offentliggjort torsdag. Musk also explained in his note that he believes Twitter should be a private company and he

Ripio annoncerer udvidelse til Colombia i de næste måneder

grus, en argentinsk cryptocurrency-børs, har annonceret konkrete tiltag vedrørende sin ekspansion til Colombia. Virksomheden vil tilbyde en ny mulighed for cryptocurrency-brugere og -handlere i Colombia, and will also offer a financial education proposal that is yet to be

Rapport: Feds hemmelige repolån til megabanker i 2020 Formørket 2008 Bailouts, Data Dump viser $48 Trillioner i stealth-finansiering

Following the controversial bank bailouts and Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) i 2008, reports show in late 2019 og 2020, USA. Federal Reserve participated in providing trillions of dollars in secret repo loans to megabanks. I slutningen af ​​marts,…

Mozilla genindsætter kryptodonationer - Organisationen vil ikke acceptere proof-of-work kryptovalutaer

I den første uge af januar, softwarefællesskabet Mozilla afslørede, at det satte cryptocurrency-donationer på pause efter at have citeret miljøhensyn. 14 uger senere, Mozilla besluttede i sidste uge, at de vil acceptere kryptodonationer igen, but only from digital assets that leverage a

Leveringsapp Rappi lancerer pilotprojekt for at acceptere kryptobetalinger i Mexico

Rappi, one of the biggest delivery companies in Latam, has launched a pilot project with the objective of accepting cryptocurrencies as a payment method. Users will be able to buy Rappi credits with cryptocurrency to spend later on various services offered

Quik․com Marketplace lancerer prægning af NFT-domænenavne

Med de hurtige teknologiske fremskridt, Digitaliseringen har været vidne til en guldalder i de seneste år. Begreber, vi aldrig engang har hørt om, er nu ved at blive mainstream. Et sådant eksempel er NFT-domæner, stigende som nye webudvidelser. Quik.com is launching NFT

Robinhood lister Shiba Inu og 3 Flere kryptovalutaer — SHIB-prisen stiger

Den populære handelsplatform Robinhood har børsnoteret shiba inu (SHIB) samt tre andre populære kryptovalutaer. Tilhængere af meme-kryptoen har i flere måneder bedt om, at Robinhood skal liste SHIB. Robinhood Finally Lists Shiba Inu Crypto Popular trading platform Robinhood announced

Ghanas centralbank advarer igen mod praksis med at prissætte varer i Forex

The Bank of Ghana has warned businesses and the public against the practice of demanding or making payments in foreign currency without its authorization. The central banks warning comes just over a month after Ghanas currency was rated the worst performing

Milliardær David Rubenstein om, hvorfor han skiftede mening om krypto - siger "Jeg var skeptisk i begyndelsen"

David Rubenstein, the founder of Carlyle Group, one of the largest investment firms managing over $300 milliard, says he was skeptical of crypto but now believes thatthe genie is out of the bottleand the crypto industry is notgoing

Billion Dollar Bitcoin-retssagsdom appelleret - selvudråbt Bitcoin-opfinder forventer en sejr

The law firm representing Ira Kleiman has sent a notice of appeal to the Florida District Court in an attempt to appeal the courts rejection of a Kleiman v. Wright retrial. The self-proclaimed Bitcoin inventor, Craig Wright, was cleared of all