Salg af tokener fra Centralafrikanske republik til langsom start — $1.26 Million indsamlet i under 5 Dage

Den Centralafrikanske Republik’s token sale appeared to have gotten to a slow start after less than 13 million out of the 210 million Sango coins were sold since the commencement of the sale on July 25. The country has claimed

Celsius-klienter beder konkursretten om at frigive Crypto, En kunde har brug for midler til at 'sætte mad på bordet'

Efter at kryptolångiveren Celsius indgav en konkursbegæring i juli 13, virksomheden kontaktede for nylig kunder og forklarede, at en medarbejder fra en af ​​firmaet’s leverandører fik adgang til en liste over Celsius-klient-e-mails, og mailadresserne var “transferred

Nigerianske långivere frustrerer CBDC's vedtagelse - centralbankchef

Apathetic Nigerian lenders are frustrating the e-nairas adoption because they are worried this could deprive them of a key revenue source, Godwin Emefiele, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) governor, har sagt. Emefiele said the central bank is working on a

Statsejet schweizisk bankpostfinansiering for at tilbyde kunder direkte adgang til kryptomarkedet

schweizisk posthus’s bankenhed, den statsejede Postfinance, forbereder sig angiveligt på at komme ind på kryptomarkedet. “Vores kunder ønsker direkte adgang til dette marked gennem deres husbank.” schweiziske postkontor’s Banking Arm to Enter Crypto Market The banking and financial

USA og Sydkorea deler data om kryptosager, Herunder LUNA og UST Meltdown: Rapport

USA. and South Korean governments have reportedly agreed to share data on ongoing crypto cases, including the case surrounding Terraform Labs CEO Do Kwon and the collapse of cryptocurrency terra (LUNA) og stablecoin terrausd (vækstmarkedsføring hos Kraken). OS. and South Korea to

Rapport: Den nigerianske centralbanks incitamentsordning kunne ikke standse Naira-afskrivningen

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)’s attempt to incentivize the countrys forex market through the so-calledNaira for Dollarscheme has failed. This is evidenced by the local currencys plunge of more than 25% since the launch of the incentive scheme

Den Centralafrikanske Republik lancerer efter sigende kryptomønt, Bitcoiners Slam Move

Central African Republic (BIL) president Faustin-Archange Touadera announced recently that cryptocurrencies are an alternative to cash. Bitcoiners, imidlertid, insist the top cryptocurrency is the only solution to the CARs money problems. Formal Economy Not an Option Central African Republic president Faustin-Archange

Rapport: Huobi starter fyringer, der kan 'overstige 30%' - grundlægger kan sælge aktiepost i virksomheden

Ifølge den kinesiske journalist Colin Wu, ellers kendt som “Wu Blockchain,” kryptovalutavirksomheden Huobi kan fyre 30% af firmaet’s personale pga “et kraftigt fald i omsætningen.” desuden, reporteren hævder, at Huobi’s co-founder Leon Li is

Crypto Exchange Coincoinx til at lancere Crypto to Fiat Payments App i Venezuela

Coincoinx, a cryptocurrency exchange, will reportedly launch a service that will allow users to skip trading crypto for fiat to make payments in Venezuela. Servicen, which is called Coinpago, will allow users to make payments in every store and retailer

Rapport: Marokkos centralbank vil snart afsløre lov om kryptoregulering

The Moroccan central bank is presently working on a cryptocurrency regulation framework bill and according to the banks governor, Abdellatif Jouahri, this is set to be introduced soon. The regulatory framework being worked on will result in Moroccos money laundering and