Sberbank indstillet til at lancere decentraliseret finansieringsplatform baseret på Ethereum

A recent report details that Russia’s largest financial institution, Sberbank, plans to launch a decentralized finance (defi) platform in May. Konstantin Klimenko, product director of Sberbank’s blockchain laboratory, said that open testing will begin in March. Sberbank’s Defi Platform to Enable

Glem ikke vigtigheden af ​​censurmodstand

Since people are once again talking about self-custody as one of cryptos unique strengths, I would like to remind everyone about an equally important fundamental value proposition of crypto that, in the early days, was touted as the killer feature. jeg’m

Decentraliseret app BCH Bull forbereder lancering, Platform giver brugerne mulighed for at forlange eller afdække Bitcoin-kontanter mod et utal af omsættelige aktiver

Just recently the developers behind the Bitcoin Cash-centric project Anyhedge released the alpha version of the Anyhedge Whitelabel and since then, 284 smart contracts were created onchain, and more than $32,900 in funds hedged using the alpha protocol. desuden, this month,…

Metaverse Project Genso lukket betatestdato og detaljer frigivet

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. Metaverse Project Genso er begejstret for at annoncere detaljerne vedrørende den lukkede betatest. Detaljer er som følger ■ Lukket betatestperiode: Starter: juli 28, 2022 12:00 -(UTC+8) Slutter: TBA ■ How to participate in the Closed Beta

Digital rubel 'meget tiltrængt,Det siger Ruslands centralbank, Vil ikke forsinke testning

Ruslands centralbank har understreget vigtigheden af ​​at komme videre med sit digitale rubelprojekt. Ifølge en udtalelse fra en toprepræsentant, the monetary authority has no intention to delay the trials despite not all invited banks being

Bank of Russia rapporterer første vellykkede digitale rubeloverførsler mellem brugere

Testing of the digital ruble has started in Russia with the countrys central bank announcing the first complete transactions between individual wallets. The monetary authority, a staunch opponent of cryptocurrencies, says its digital currency will create new opportunities for citizens, virksomheder,…

French Connection Finance: FCF Pay Partners With 500+ E-handel og butikshandlere

French Connection Finance (FCF) er en udbyttegenererende kryptovaluta, der kører på Binance Smart Chain (BSC) netværk. FCF bygger et økosystem, der gavner investorer, samtidig med at de udvikler produkter, der har stærk værdi i den virkelige verden. This story will cover four exciting aspects

Nigerianske eksperter insisterer på, at Afrikas første CBDC i øjeblikket ikke er for de pengeløse

While the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) continues to tout the e-nairas credentials as a tool for fostering financial inclusion, some experts agree that this central bank digital currency (CBDC) is presently not doing this. The CBDCs Chaotic Start This assertion

Robinhoods administrerende direktør siger venteliste for firmaets nye Crypto Wallet nået 1 Million kunder

På torsdag, Robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev talte på en konference kaldet Disruptor 50 Summit og direktionen forklarede, at ventelisten for virksomheden’s nyligt annoncerede krypto tegnebog har 1 millioner tilmeldinger indtil videre. “Vi’re very proud of our cryptocurrency