Bitcoin gør fremskridt med at rydde efterslæb, men Lightning-netværkskapacitet og kanaler faldt under overbelastning

I den forgangne ​​uge, Bitcoin-netværket har gjort fremskridt med at løse sine problemer med overbelastning. i maj 7, 2023, antallet af ubekræftede transaktioner nåede et rekordhøjt niveau på over 500,000 overførsler, forårsager et stort efterslæb. Imidlertid, fra i dag, at…

Voyager Digital giver opdatering om refusionsplan for kreditorer

Following Binance’s withdrawal from the Voyager Digital deal on April 25, the now-defunct crypto lender has recently informed creditors that they can expect to receive their initial cash and crypto distributionswithin the next few weeks.This update comes nine days

Den brasilianske præsident Lula skal fungere som BRICS-forbindelse for at hjælpe Argentina, Diskuterer kreditgrænse i brasilianske reals

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva stated Brazil will serve as a facilitator to try and arrange BRICS bloc assistance for Argentina. Lula stated that the New Development Bank — the BRICS bank — could modify some of its rules

Bitcoin netværk hits 75% Fremskridt mod næste belønningshalvering

At 11:06 er. østlig tid (ET) den april 29, 2023, i blokhøjde 787,500, the number of blocks left to discover until the next Bitcoin blockchain halving is now fewer than 52,500 blocks. This means the network has progressed 75% through

Bitcoin Hashrate når 400 Exahash per sekund, Forsker siger, at netværket kunne nå Zettahash-æraen ved 2025

Despite Bitcoins difficulty reaching an all-time high at 46.84 billioner, participants in bitcoin mining have kept the hashrate running stronger than ever before. Ifølge statistikker, marts 23, 2023, the hashrate reached a high of 400 eksahash i sekundet (EH/s)….

Analytikere har mistanke om, at bankkrise udløste 'Resting Bull Market' i guld, Sølv kunne udskrive meget højere gevinster

At the start of the week, a troy ounce of .999 fine gold was trading at $1,813 pr. enhed. Seven days later, gold rose 9.65% mod U.S.A. dollar to the current spot price of $1,988 per ounce. Guld’s rise comes

ESG-analytiker Daniel Batten afslører dynamiske diagrammer, der viser Bitcoins 52.6% Bæredygtig energianvendelse

Environmental, social, og styring (ESG) analyst Daniel Batten said Tuesday that the computational backbone of the Bitcoin network now uses 52.6% sustainable energy. Batten and onchain analyst Willy Woo created Dynamic Bitcoin ESG Charts to showcase the protocol’s progress. Contrary to

Crypto Exchange Coinbase lancerer Ethereum L2 Scaling Network kaldet Base

The cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has announced the deployment of Base, an Ethereum layer two (L2) scaling network, after developers launched the Base testnet on Thursday. The company said it is incubating Base within Coinbase and that the L2 chain will progressively

Bitcoin, Ethereum teknisk analyse: BTC konsoliderer på tirsdag, Efter 8-måneders høj

Bitcoin trak sig tilbage fra tidligere højder i løbet af tirsdagen’s session, da stemningen skiftede efter et skift til et multi-måneders højdepunkt. Priserne steg til det højeste punkt siden august sidste år tidligere på dagen, forud for en rød bølge, der fejer gennem markedet. Ethereum…

Bitget udvider innovationszone med prioriteret adgang til ekstraordinære projekter

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. Victoria Seychellerne, 2023 – Bitget, den førende globale kryptoderivatudveksling, annoncerer at tilføje AI (Kunstig intelligens), Afgørelse, and NFT zone listings to its Innovation Zone for users who would like to expose their crypto portfolio to related tokens