Rapport: Terraform Labs medstifter tiltalt for bedrageri i Sydkorea

Recent local reports have brought to light that Shin Hyun-seong, also known as Daniel Shin, co-founder of Terraform Labs, has been indicted by the Seoul Southern District ProsecutorsOffice on charges of fraud. Along with nine others, Shin is suspected of

G7 diskuterer mere kryptoregulering og hvordan man hjælper udviklingslande med at indføre centralbanks digitale valutaer

The G7 countries are discussing more crypto regulation and ways to help developing nations introduce central bank digital currencies (CBDC'er). “As a priority of this year, the G7 will consider how best to help developing countries introduce CBDC consistent with appropriate

Den amerikanske præsidentkandidat RFK Jr. Siger, at Bitcoin giver en 'flugtrute' fra finansiel uro

På mandag, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. endnu en gang advarede offentligheden om at være på vagt over for centralbankernes digitale valutaer (CBDC'er), og han insisterede på, at Biden-administrationen har lanceret en “konstant byge af fjendtlige bredsider mod kryptovalutaer.” Kennedy, der for nylig indgav…

Den indiske regering besvarer spørgsmål om krypto-legalisering, Forebyggelse af svindel

The Indian government has responded to parliamentary questions about the legalization of cryptocurrency and the steps it has taken to prevent crypto-related fraud. “Crypto assets are currently unregulated in India. Frauds relating to crypto are dealt with under extant laws against

Bitgo lancerer lagrings- og sporingsløsning til Bitcoin-baserede ordinære inskriptioner

På torsdag, udbyder af digital aktivdepot, Bitgo, annoncerede lanceringen af ​​sin lagrings- og sporingsløsning til Bitcoin-baserede Ordinal-inskriptioner. i øvrigt, brugere kan bruge Bitgo’s Ordinal inscription storage system til at indskrive deres egne inskriptioner på Bitcoin blockchain. Bitgo’s Ny løsning…

Amerikansk dommer afviser kundesag mod Crypto Exchange Coinbase

A U.S. district judge has dismissed a lawsuit against Coinbase and its CEO Brian Armstrong filed by customers of the crypto exchange. The lawsuit alleges that Coinbase sold 79 crypto tokens that are unregistered securities. Customer Lawsuit Against Coinbase Dismissed A

Space Odyssey Loyalitetsprogram af BitSpinCasino Retter op til 15% Ugentlig Cashback & 300 Gratis spins

Get rewarded for reaching new levels in the loyalty program by playing games and earning loyalty points. Casino loyalty programs have evolved through the changing paradigm of the casino industry. Digitalization has provided the arena of chance-based gaming the mobility to

Japan opfordrer tilsynsmyndigheder over hele verden til at underkaste kryptoudvekslinger tilsyn på bankniveau

Japan has reportedly urged other countries, including the U.S., to regulate crypto exchanges like they do banks. A top official at the Financial Services Agency explained that the recent FTX implosion wasn’t brought on by crypto technology but byloose governance,…

El Salvador Chivo Wallet Programmer åbner op om påstået ID-svindel, Tekniske problemer og problemer med hvidvaskning af penge

A Chivo wallet programmer has opened up about the different problems that the flagship cryptocurrency wallet of El Salvador faced during its initial stages. Shaun Overton, who alleges he was hired to help in the handling of the issues, has talked

Amerikansk lovgiver foreslår, at 'måske' krypto skal forbydes med henvisning til større problemer end FTX

A U.S. senator has suggested that cryptocurrency shouldmaybebe banned following the collapse of crypto exchange FTX. Imidlertid, he acknowledged that banning cryptois very difficult because it will go offshore and who knows how that will work.Senator Sherrod