At bryde barriererne for traditionel bankvirksomhed med digitale aktiver

Another one bites the dust! The banking industry in the United States is in trouble, and regional banks are feeling the squeeze. A number of banks have failed recently due to mismanagement, poor risk management, and other factors which are leading

Finansminister Yellen advarer, at USA kan misligholde sin gæld inden juni 1

OS. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has warned that the Treasury will not be able to pay all of the government’s debt “as early as June 1, if Congress does not raise or suspend the debt limit before that time.” Yellen also

Økonom Peter Schiff advarer om, at USA vil misligholde sin gæld - at hæve gældsloftet vil gøre problemet værre

Economist Peter Schiff has warned that the U.S. will default on its debt obligations. He further stressed: “All the bad stuff that they’re saying is going to happen if we don’t raise the debt ceiling is guaranteed to happen because we

Burry om bankkrisen, Kiyosaki advarer om "falske penge"-indsprøjtninger; Tal om 'Anti-Crypto'-dagsorden bag signaturbankkollaps - uge i gennemgang

Speculation and debate continue to rage surrounding the current global banking debacle. Hedge fund manager Michael Burry — known for predicting 2008’s economic crisis — is drawing comparisons to the Panic of 1907, while Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki

Alameda Research Seeks $446 Millioner over påståede 'præferenceoverførsler' til Voyager Digital

På mandag, Alameda Research Ltd. filed a legal complaint against Voyager Digital LLC and HTC Trading Inc. i U.S.A. bankruptcy court. The complaint alleges the defendants received preferential transfers of property from Alameda Research and the plaintiffs are seeking to

Rapport viser økonomiske problemer plagede Bankman-Frieds Alameda-forskning så tidligt som 2018

Before FTX collapsed it was assumed that Alameda Research was one of the top quantitative trading firms and market makers within the industry. Imidlertid, much of that perception may have been a facade as a recent report details that Alameda suffered

At stole på centraliserede databaser gør Dapps sårbare over for datamanipulation, siger Nate Holiday

Decentralized applications (dapps) are prone to data tampering because theyare largely built on top of centralized databases and services,” the CEO of Space and Time Nate Holiday has said. The CEO also shared a list of data tampering risks which

Hacker stjæler $6.9 Millioner fra arbitrum-baseret Defi-protokol Lodestar Finance

Arbitrum-based lending platform Lodestar Finance was exploited on Dec. 10, 2022, according to a tweet from the project’s Twitter account on Saturday. Community reports detail that Lodestar lost roughly $6.9 million from the vulnerability. Lodestar Finance Loses $6.9 Million in an

Singapore søger detaljeret information fra kryptofirmaer forud for nye regler, Rapport afsløres

Finansielle myndigheder i Singapore tager skridt i retning af øget tilsyn i kryptorummet med bystaten’s centralbank beder angiveligt virksomheder om at give yderligere oplysninger om deres aktiviteter og aktiver. Forud for en eventuel udvidelse af de gældende regler, det…