Burry om bankkrisen, Kiyosaki advarer om "falske penge"-indsprøjtninger; Tal om 'Anti-Crypto'-dagsorden bag signaturbankkollaps - uge i gennemgang

Speculation and debate continue to rage surrounding the current global banking debacle. Hedge fund manager Michael Burry — known for predicting 2008’s economic crisis — is drawing comparisons to the Panic of 1907, while Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki

Joe Rogan siger, at Bitcoin er en "frisk" regering, det seneste om inflation, og mere - Bitcoin.com News Week i gennemgang

Endnu en hvirvelvindsuge i krypto nærmer sig sin afslutning, og selvfølgelig der’s ingen mangel på krydrede historier og nye, overbevisende fortællinger i en verden af ​​innovative digitale penge. Denne uge, Elon Musk giver investeringsrådgivning, United States Securities and Exchange

Kiyosaki om USD 'Implosion,' Musk overvejer sociale medier, $540M i 'Sleeping Bitcoins' Move - Bitcoin.com News Week i gennemgang

Det’s been another bustling week full of colorful stories in the crypto world, with Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki talking about the U.S. dollar imploding, and advocating people buy bitcoin, ethereum, and solananot to mention talk of