BIS udgiver rapport om 'Project Icebreaker' - udvikler grænseoverskridende detail CBDC betalingsmodel

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) has released a report summarizing theProject Icebreakertrial, which explored the potential advantages and difficulties of utilizing a retail central bank digital currency (CBDC) in cross-border payments. The experiment was designed to test “det…

Hashkey kapitalhæver $500 Millioner til sin tredje fond, På trods af nedgang i kryptomarkedet

World Cup, global asset manager Hashkey, which focuses on crypto and blockchain investments, announced that it has closed its third fund at $500 million. The company’sHashKey Fintech Investment IIIis dedicated to developing crypto solutions, Kosmos, and Web3 concepts….

Europe's Securities Watchdog søger feedback om reguleringer forud for DLT Pilot

ESMA, den europæiske værdipapir- og markedstilsynsmyndighed, har sat sig for at fastslå, om EU-myndighederne har behov for at ændre eksisterende regler for at lette handel og afvikling af tokeniserede værdipapirer. The regulator is now seeking opinions on the matter ahead