Centralafrikanska republiken säger försäljning av 210 Miljoner Sango Crypto Tokens kommer att börja i slutet av juli

Försäljningen av Centralafrikanska republiken (BIL)’s 210,000,000 Sango-mynt börjar i juli 25 och deltagande investerare måste köpa tokens värda minst $500. I gengäld för att köpa och låsa in Sango-mynten, investors will gain citizenship and a piece of real estate property as well as a location in the metaverse.


First Digital Monetary System

Centralafrikanska republiken (BIL), the only African country to designate bitcoin legal tender, will begin selling the Sango coin for an equivalent of $0.10 starting July 25. i alla fall, another Rapportera says the sale will commence on July 21.

The Central African Republic Says Sale of 210 Million Sango Crypto Tokens to Commence in Late July

Buyers of the crypto token, which has been described as the country’s digital currency, will need to fork out a minimum of $500 which is payable in cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum.

As shown on the Sango coin website, en summa av 210,000,000 tokens will be available to crypto enthusiasts that interested in participating in the project. Investors participating in what the CAR describes as the first digital monetary system that is “powered by the bitcoin blockchain” have an opportunity to become citizens of the African country.

“Join the digital transformation of the Central African Republic today. Both local and the first Citizenship Program in the Metaverse: a future of endless possibilities are awaiting you,” a promotional message on the Sango website states.

The Central African Republic Says Sale of 210 Million Sango Crypto Tokens to Commence in Late July

Buyers of the token will also be rewarded with a piece of real estate property as well as a plot in the metaverse. The CAR will also give e-residency status to Sango coin investors that lock in their tokens.

Bitcoin National Treasury

On the website, a roadmap detailing the country’s ambitious cryptocurrency plan suggests that the CAR wants to ramp up internet availability and accessibility by investing more in the telecommunication infrastructure. Improved internet access will in turn help the CAR proceed with the creation of the bitcoin national treasury.

The Central African Republic Says Sale of 210 Million Sango Crypto Tokens to Commence in Late JulyWhile critics including bitcoiners have questioned the launch of the crypto coin, the Sango concept deck shows that the CAR is not backing down. Istället, de concept deck appears to suggest that the CAR is planning to make Sango coins another acceptable form of payment.

Därför, besides using the cryptocurrency to become citizens of the CAR, Sango coin buyers will also be able to use this to buy land from the government, pay taxes and access the country’s natural resources.

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Terence Zimwara

Terence Zimwara är en Zimbabwes prisbelönt journalist, författare och författare. Han har skrivit mycket om de ekonomiska problemen i vissa afrikanska länder samt hur digitala valutor kan ge afrikaner en flyktväg.

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