Centralafrikanska republiken lanserar enligt uppgift kryptomynt, Bitcoiners Slam Move

Centralafrikanska republiken (BIL) president Faustin-Archange Touadera announced recently that cryptocurrencies are an alternative to cash. Bitcoiners, i alla fall, insist the top cryptocurrency is the only solution to the CARs money problems. Formal Economy Not an Option Central African Republic president Faustin-Archange

Rapportera: IMF säger att Centralafrikanska republikens Bitcoin-adoption innebär risker

Internationella penningfonden (IMF) har lagt sin röst till institutioner och partier som kritiserar Centralafrikanska republiken (BIL)’s beslut att anta bitcoin. The IMF insists the adoption poses legal economic challenges not only to the country but to the region