Aptos, Leds av Metas före detta anställda, Får $200 Miljoner för att bygga ett skalbart blockkedjesystem

Aptos, a new startup created by some of Metas former employees involved in the Diem project, has announced it has raised $200 million for its upcoming goal of creating a scalable blockchain system. The investment, conducted in a strategic funding round,…

Binance undersöker förvärv av brasiliansk värdepappersmäklarfirma

Leading cryptocurrency exchange Binance is showing its intention of expanding its activities to Brazil. The company announced that it has signed a memorandum of understanding with a regulated securities brokerage firm in Brazil, with the intention of acquiring it. Företaget,…

Wasabi Wallet börjar censurera Coinjoin-transaktioner

Wasabi Wallet, a privacy-oriented bitcoin-only wallet, has announced it will start introducing censorship methods into its mixing procedures. The announcement was made on social media, where the official account of Wasabi explained that a blacklist will prevent some UTXOs (unspent transaction

Supreme Tribunal i Venezuelas stater Sunacrip har en strategisk roll, Ogiltigförklarar tidigare mening

The Supreme Tribunal of Justice of Venezuela has stated in a recent sentence that the tasks developed by Sunacrip, the national cryptocurrency and bitcoin mining watchdog, have a strategic significance for the country. The sentence also voids certain resolutions taken in

Zapala Free Zone för att erbjuda nya möjligheter till Bitcoin-gruvarbetare i Argentina

The Zapala Free Zone, an area located in Neuquen, Argentina that has the objective of incentivizing various productive activities, will receive its first bitcoin mining-related investment this year. The company that will create the power infrastructure for the mining farm aims

Binance stoppar transaktioner med ryska Mastercard och Visa-kort

Kryptoväxling Binance har blockerat transaktioner med Mastercard- och Visa-kort utfärdade i Ryska federationen. Handelsplattformen tillkännagav flytten efter att de amerikanska betalningsjättarna beslutat att stoppa verksamheten i Ryssland på grund av sin militära invasion av Ukraina. Ryssar oförmögna…

Santander erbjuder lån med stöd av jordbruksprodukter

Santander is developing the possibility of offering loans backed by tokens that are collateralized in agricultural products. The bank has partnered with Agrotoken, a company that launched a series of agricultural commodity tokens already being used in agriculture-related markets to make

Binance lanserar Bitfinity, ett betalningsföretag som riktar in sig på Web3-ekonomin

Leading cryptocurrency exchange Binance has announced the launch of its own payments processing company, Bitfinity. Bitfinity will act as the default fiat-to-crypto payments ramp for the exchange, as well as for other blockchains. With this launch, Binance also targets the expanding

Cryptos sanktionsglidande kraft: Varför Bitcoins neutralitet är dess största humanitära tillgång

Decentraliserade nätverk som Bitcoin’s don’t känner till nationell trohet, de kan bara matematik. Och när du’försöker få ut dina besparingar från en bankomat, eller skicka en betalning till anhöriga i en krigshärjad miljö, någon annan’s politics is the last

EU:s datalag föreslår avstängningsfunktion för smarta kontrakt

The European Union has published its new Data Act, a law proposal that aims to regulate the generation and handling of data by the actors that harness it. The act, in its large scope, touches on the subject of smart contracts