Ethereums medgrundare Vitalik Buterin publicerar "Plausible Roadmap" som adresserar skalbarhet

In recent times the Ethereum network has received a lot of criticism about the protocols data transfer fees and scalability. In a blog post calledEndgame,” published on December 6, the co-founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin discussed plans to improve scaling,…

Ethereum kan detronisera Bitcoin som bästa kryptobutik av värde, Studie argumenterar

A recent paper authored by members of several universities, including Sydney and Macquarie, argues that recent changes in Ethereum monetary policy are making it a better store of value than bitcoin. The deflationary effect that the EIP-1559 proposal has caused in

Ethereum vs. Avax sociala medier bekämpar raseri när L1-avgifterna fortsätter att stiga

The Ethereum scaling wars are raging on social media due to the problems that this chain is facing, with fees on layer one (L1) at very high levels. Zhu Su, CEO of Three Arrows Capital, a notable crypto VC company, meddelat…

Medan Musk nämner Doge-förbättringar, Dogecoin-utvecklare fortsätter att ta itu med skalningsproblem

På söndag, Elon Musk diskuterade sin relation med Dogecoin Foundation och han nämnde några förbättringar han’skulle vilja se implementerat via Dogecoin Core’s kodbas. Under tiden, Github metrics show developers have been working on Dogecoin Core during the last few

Mexikos president förnekar att ha intresse av att anta Bitcoin som lagligt anbud

The President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, denied having any interest in adopting cryptocurrencies as legal tender in the country. The statements, offered in a press conference in the National Palace this week, also confirmed that the Mexican government will

Undersökning: 14% av amerikaner vill ha kryptobelöningar för att använda sina kreditkort

Under de senaste åren, förbetalda kort som erbjuder cryptocurrency-belöningar har blivit populära och ett antal betalkort för digitala tillgångar erbjuder dessa typer av belöningar. Detta innebär istället för att samla på sig miles eller poäng som ofta flyger, consumers get rewarded in

EverRise ger återköpstoken och ekosystem för dApps till Polygon och Ethereum

PRESSMEDDELANDE. Singapore, september 30, 2021. Less than three weeks after releasing its first dApp EverOwn for Binance Smart Chain, EverRise is proud to announce they will launch EverBridge to both the Ethereum and Polygon blockchains on October 5th. With EverBridge,…

Cross-chain broar som ansluter 5 Olika blockkedjor till Ethereum

During the last few months, cross-chain bridge technology has grown a great deal and users can now swap assets between a myriad of networks. I dag, between eight different bridges there’s $7.6 billion total-value locked across these platforms. Cross-Chain Bridges